You might be looking at a money pit there. The 17" and I think some 20" iMac 1.8GHz and 2.0GHz G5's had a bad batch of capacitors. I picked up a 17" off of craigslist that had this issue.
If you open up the iMac and look at the capacitors. The bad ones usually look like a scored "X" on the top of them while good ones (from what I've seen) look like a scored "K". Both the logic board and power supply have these issues.
Might I suggest (if you're good with electronics) to change out the capacitors in the power supply and logic board. Even if you buy a new (used) logic board and PSU, they might still have the issue down the line. If you really want to hold onto that iMac, check out this site
as well as this site