Hi there, my Asus tablet was working fine until a few days ago and I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with it either, but I'll try to give my best description of what's going on. I was watching youtube a couple of days ago, doing nothing potentially harmful to my tablet, when all of a sudden my tablet went into sleep mode, so I did what anyone else would do and quickly tapped the power to wake it up. In return only the back lights turned back on, confused I kept doing the same thing, but was greeted with the same result. I tried turning it off, but it simply wouldn't turn off. I tried draining it of its battery, but once that was done and I charged it and turned it back on I was faced with the exact same problem. It's been like that for two days, help?
Hi there, my Asus tablet was working fine until a few days ago and I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with it either, but I'll try to give my best description of what's going on. I was watching youtube a couple of days ago, doing nothing potentially harmful to my tablet, when all of a sudden my tablet went into sleep mode, so I did what anyone else would do and quickly tapped the power to wake it up. In return only the back lights turned back on, confused I kept doing the same thing, but was greeted with the same result. I tried turning it off, but it simply wouldn't turn off. I tried draining it of its battery, but once that was done and I charged it and turned it back on I was faced with the exact same problem. It's been like that for two days, help?