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The Samsung Galaxy S4, model i9505, features a 13-megapixel rear camera, and a 5-inch 1080p display.

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Won't turn on or charge, recognises on pc.

So, my Galaxy S4 is totally unresponsive. It won't turn on or even charge.

The backstory:

The phone was working perfectly after a new battery. I tried resetting the phone using the volume-down-home-and-power-button method.

However, I read incorrectly and held all 4 buttons down (power, volume up, volume down and home).

Now the phone is just black; it won't turn back on or do anything. The only thing it does do is show up as a recognized device on my PC.

I have never connected it to the PC before, so Windows installed some form of driver. Whenever it's connected or disconnected from the computer, the PC makes the regular Windows sounds as if the phone is recognized—but nothing pops up.

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I have the same problem phone wont turn on . Battery test 4 volts. Question is I read something about a batter monitor going bad.

Is this in the phone or the battery?


my s4 wont turn on or be recognized by the pc what do i do


I just got this sort of problem this morning. I left my phone to charge overnight, and the next morning, I hit the home button so I could unlock my phone, and the screen does not activate. Tried lock button, same thing. The LED indicator is working, it's flashing blue, indicating that I got a message, but the thing won't even recognize my charger.


I just held the power, home & volume down button for like 15 seconds. It vibrated then turned on. It then said if I want a custom os press volume up, if I want to restart the phone press volume down. I pressed volume down button & it works fine now. Originally, phone had no power, response, or anything to show it was on. Not even the led light. Now it's great. Just from the 3 button push & holding method. Hope it works for you.

-Kris Arguin


I had a similar problem and was able to fix it! The problem: would not turn on after putting in a fully charged battery. Connected to any charger would buzz, show empty battery symbol, go black, and repeat endlessly. Totally dead when not connected to a charger. Here's what I did: 1. Made sure to have a fully charged battery installed. 2. Unplugged from charger. 3. Held down 3 buttons: Power, Home, Volume Down, for 30 seconds (nothing happened, by the way. 4. Removed and re-inserted battery (not sure if this is needed),5. Plugged into charger (the 'fully charged' battery symbol appeared) 6. Powered on normally. WHEW!!! Thanks to those recommending the 3-button hold!!


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The power button on my S4 started acting up, so I took the battery out. When I put the battery back in it wouldn't come back on. I would get a second of the start-up screen and the vibration and then it would shut down. When plugged into a computer it, the PC wasn't recognizing it and the charging light wouldn't come on either.

I spoke with a co-worker of mine who had an S3 at one point and told me how she fixed the problem when that happened to her. Apparently, you have to bang on it. I know it sounds stupid, but the power button is stuck and you have to get it un-stuck. People have broken their phones doing this, so please be careful. I banged mine on a softer surface—a 3 ring binder set on a desktop. And I didn't bang on it with the screen side down because I didn't want to shatter the screen. I cupped my hand over it so the screen wouldn't make contact with anything while I was beating on it. Lastly, I tapped the side of the phone (where the power button is at) onto the desktop a few times at kind of an angle (not flat with the countertop), and avoiding the power button itself—and it worked!!!!

So, my advice is to gently beat on it! LOL

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lol...and it worked :D I dropped mine into toilet. Took battery out. Put it inside after 15 min. turned on and at some moment it went crazy. Took battery out again for hour. Then it just vibrated when i put it in again. Beat it few times (not hard) and voila...works like a charm :D


I did not expect this to work at all, but, hey stranger things have happened. I just tapped the power button on my finger 4-5 times and it turned on. Before that, nothing. All it would do is display an empty battery icon when plugged in, but otherwise unresponsive. This happened as a result of completely draining the battery. Kudos for something that works.


Thank you! This was exactly what happened to my phone and I was about to give up then I read this and after about 30 seconds of banging it on a firm box it started up. You are a lifesaver!


Butt my power button is working well


When I charge the battery icon blinks


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I had the same problem. Phone turned off and wouldn't turn on or charge. I took out the battery, held down the power on button for 30 seconds, put battery back in, and powered on again. Worked like a charm.

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Thank you. finally a soulution. the weird thing as after it turned on the battery was 0%


Thank you so much. It worked for me too!


Thanks! It worked for me!


thank you so much!! it worked!!!


Thanks it worked ! Thought it was dead.


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The first thing I would try would be to use Samsung Kies to reset the device. You will likely loose all of your data but it won't be of much use if the phone won't turn on at all. Also are you getting a charging icon when the phone is plugged into the charger? Have you tried simply taking the battery out and holding the power button for 30 seconds or so then putting the battery in and trying it again?

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I dont mind at all about losing data, infact this whole thing started because i wanted to to a factory reset (which i learned you can do within settings)

I don't get any charging icons or any form of response from the phone when its plugged in.

and i just tried the power button trick with the battery out, didn't seem to do anything.

I just plugged it into my computer to try resetting with Kies, and it doesn't recognise the galaxy. I got a driver installation pop up for "Qualcomm Boot" something-or-other. But that was it, windows hasn't shown anything else in regards to the phone.

So i'm very confused as to what to do next.


I have the exact same problem with my S4, did you even fix it and if so how?


I have similar problem, the phone got hot very shortly after plugging in the charger and it shut down. Now the phone will not turn on and there is no icon to say it is charging, in fact there is nothing. The phone doesn't show anything or do anything when plugged into my computer either. Any ideas?


same problem too !! my s4 is totally dead ! won't turn on and won't charge .


Also looking for solution :( Same as Mark Gray Exactly!


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power ic on the phones are blown , you need to replace the part for the phone to get power or charge your battery . its not a software problem its hardware .

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What do you mean by power icing?


Bet that ilaan meant to say "Power IC", which would make this a good answer



After a lot of research this is the solution. You need to replace the power IC as was answered/corrected by Ilaan/Oldturkey03 respectively.

Now this task would not be for the faint of heart but if the phone is dead anyway; can't hurt to try!


this video is private


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I had the same problem as everyone else. I tried the hold 3 button resets etc with no luck. I pulled out my volt meter and read 4V on the battery so I knew the battery had a charge (not totally dead). I then measured the (+) and (-) leads on the phone and saw that it was still registering 1V with the battery out. It was slowly bleeding off voltage (dropping to .98, .97, etc). I took a piece of metal and shorted the 2 pins to totally discharge the capacitors in the phone. That way I was guaranteed that all power inside the phone was exhausted. I powered up the phone like normal and everything worked. I think it was a glitch or something that put the phone in an unusable state. Just pulling the battery and reinserting is not long enough to exhaust power from the phones internal circuits. If you are uncomfortable shorting the pins out on the phone, Id pull the battery and leave it out a long time - 15 to 30 min. Like I said the power internally was slowly bleeding off. If you dont have patience, you can get the voltage to 0 instantaneously with a paperclip or some other piece of metal across the pins ON THE PHONE. NEVER SHORT THE PINS ON THE BATTERY!! NEVER SHORT THE PINS ON THE BATTERY!! should I say it again? NEVER SHORT THE PINS ON THE BATTERY!!

I hope this helps someone.

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The problem reoccurred after I thought I fixed it. It ended up being a faulty power button that was replaced for $50 at my cell phone shop. The giveaway is of the phone randomly shuts off with full battery.


yeah!!! my phone is now working perfectly, all thanks to you Oside4.


What do you mean by "short the pins"?


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Bro I had the same problem but wat I did was I put my charger in the phone and I pressed the on and off button so many times until the battery with the circle in it as soon as u get to tht point keep pressing it then the battery will come back with a little bit of green init wen u get to tht part thn u have to hold the on and off button until the Samsung galaxy s4 pops up wen u get there ur done ur phone will work if it shuts off again and u have the problem do wat I sed over again

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im haveing the same problem and i looked it up i think its either your battery or your phone screen burnt.

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Hi, My phone did the exact same thing. Was working perfectly and then nothing. I tried the volume button, home button, power button thing and it did not work. I took it to a T Mobile corporate store and they pronounced it old, outdated and in need of replacement. I had no choice, I have no other phone so I was going to buy a phone. She took my drivers licenses and I was getting ready to buy. As I was waiting, I kept holding the buttons and amazingly it came back to life. Works fine. A different forum suggested holding them for 15 seconds, another 30 seconds. I held mine for more like 2 minutes so don't give up and perhaps it just needs a car ride to a cellular store.

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I got mine working, tried my friends battery in mine and it turned on, same thing happened to his phone. Try that before anything else

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try taking the battery out and putting it back in

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wont work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I had yhe same issue with my wife's fone. I took the battery from my s3 and put it in the s4, put a folded piece of paper to keep the battery from moving.I held the power, home and down button at the same time. The fone turned on and works. I hope this helps.

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Turn your phone off

Hold Volume Up + Lock Button + Home button until you see something on the screen then release

Using the volume up and down buttons to navigate select wipe data/factory reset (this deletes all your files, be warned)

If this doesn't solve your problem then you need to do this:

Download Odin

Go to Sammobile and search for the official firmware for your device.

Make sure Odin recognizes your device, it should appear in the box located in the bottom left of the program

Where it says "PDA" locate it to install the .tar file you just downloaded from Sammobile (your firmware)

Make sure re-parition is not checked

Click start

This should solve all your problems but in the mean time will reset all your data so make sure your issue is software related before doing this

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I had this problem and I just kept playing with it. When i would take out the battery and put it back in I would get that quick vibrate like it was gona turn on, but then it wouldnt. And when i plugged in the charger, nothing happened either. So i took out an put in the battery again, and when the vibrate came, I plugged it in. The I would get the charging symbol, but then it turned off again. So I kept doing that and same thing. Then I tried the 30 second thing with the battery out, and when I put it in, the Galaxy logo thing came up, but then it turned off. Then I did the vibrate thing again, and when i plugged it in, it was charging. Then I held the power button and it turned on.

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David James , I have the SAME thing..... Did you find a way to Fix it ?


Mine is doing the EXACT same thing!! Took it to store n they had NO answer! Someone help!!


My answer above will fix your issues


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I'm having all the same issues that everyone on this forum is having. It's been 2 days and after reading many forums, troubleshooting with the manufacturing website and cell service carrier, and going to the Verizon store (where they said the phone was dead, which I believe they just wanted me to buy a new phone so they get their commission), I gave it one last shot with a suggestion from an S3 forum.

1. Remove battery.

2. Hold power button for a minute to drain any left over battery.

3. Bang/hit phone up against the table with gentle force (yes I know .. an oxymoron) several times. I just banged it up against the heel of my hand. I didn't want to cause any cosmetic damage to my phone.

4. Reinsert battery.

5. Power up.

This procedure sounded weird to me, but I was desperate to try anything. I didn't want to have to shell out money for a new phone. It's been a day, and everything is working fine.

It's worth a shot trying this method. If it helps, AWESOME! If it doesn't, I'm sorry and good luck in trying to find a remedy other than just buying a new phone.

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Just had this happen to my VZW Galaxy S4. I tried banging the phone method & IT WORKED!!!! I banged it on my dish TV remote since it has the raised soft touch buttons. I was banging the phone PRETTY HARD. Guess what ever shortage was happening got fixed. Seems to be a time tested ultimate fix it recipe! Good luck to those who're having the same issues. Can't wait for my upgrade in June to go back to iPhone!

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Might be that brightness was accidentally adjusted... Had the same issues after making a call on a perfectly good phone, while in the sun. After hanging up seemed like phone had no power, only because the brightness somehow decreased to the minimum level.

View phone in a darker room and should be able to see screen and go into settings and adjust brightness.

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This happened to me twice. Both times, the charger caused the battery symbol on the top right of the screen to have an x through it, which I always shrugged off. This question has already been answered but this is how to prevent it.

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my Samsung Galaxy s4 wont allow any other charger besides the phone 'Blu' cell phone charger charge it.. i wasnt around the charger at the time so the phone drained and went dead.. now no charger wont charge it. I have an aunt that has the exact same phone as mine and her battery doesn't start my phone up and when i put my battery in her phone to charge it wont work either... can someone pleasee helpp??. Ive tried everything nothing works now my phone wont cut on at alll


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I connected to my laptop, the empty, black and white battery sign showed up on the screen. But that was not showing up when I connected with charger. So I waited. After about 8 to 10 minutes it started to charge the battery. I didn't turn on the phone until the battery was about 10% charged. Then I disconnected from the laptop and connected to the charger, and it was than charging as it usually does.

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open it up. remove battery. push al buttons for 10 seconds to release any current in the device. open device up. remove al flex cables and leave for 20mins. refit all flex cables, insert a new or full charged battery and power on, or use volume up, power and home to get to firmware screen.... if nothing leave on a WALL charger overnight, don't use USB to PC charger.

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What you guys have to do is take it to your carrier and they will do a system maintenance on it which will then fix your phone see what happened was your phone crashes and then you have to get it refurbished so all your doing is getting the software repaired and your phone refurbished hope this helps you guys

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Try the smack method hit the power button a bunch make sure it has a charge and smack it against your knee(not too hard don't break the phone) it fixed my s4 with similar problem

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It may have to do with the power button sticking. If you take the battery out and then put it back in, it vibrates and then shows the galaxy symbol but only for a second then turns off for good. No light for when it's plugged in either. If this happens you can no longer use your phone.

BUT! If you like your phone enough and don't want to pay to upgrade it you'll have to take apart and remove the power button. It's not that hard though. The reason that you have to remove the power button is because it is stuck (pushed down) and you can't unstick it and will constantly turn your phone off because it's stuck. Here's a video on youtube that shows you how. You'll just need a tiny screwdriver.


You'll have to download an app so that it can turn the screen shop because you won't be able to without the power button.

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The strangest thing happened with mine.

For a while, mine was also bricked. I'd get the flashing blue light when trying to power it back on, but that was it.

After many attempts I gave up, sealed it in the recycling bag and planned on shipping it away.

I even, reluctantly, went out and got an S6 (which I hated and sold it a couple months later).

When the time came for me to post my S4, for some strange reason I figured, why not give it one more shot. So I ripped open the package, pushed the power button, and it loaded up as if nothing had happened to it at all.


The only thing that I can think of is that there must have been some moisture in there that had fully aired out over the months of it sitting in a draw idle.

I've had my S4 back up and running now for a few months.

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well, have you tried leaving it on charge for a few minutes? if that doesn't do anything, hold all buttons down at the same time until logo appears on the screen. (this applies to all phones). take it to a phone shop/contact a phone shop, to see the problem or get it replaced. if you don't want to do that, the case might be that the phone is completely flat in which case it certainly wont turn on and the screen wil be completely black which the solution is to charge it. hope this helps,, it worked for me:)

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also it may be the charger so test it on another charger. borrow a friends battery and put it in ur phone to see if it works, which if it does then your actual battery isn't working


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Your charger port may be broken so try charging with wireless see if that works

Update (01/22/2017)

Try looking at teardowns to see if its the wires are misplaced or change the battery

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