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Watch ipadrehab videos on youtube, and you will see all the screws.
Читать далееLast time I had someone with this problem, the charger was dead, and the battery ran dry, and that's why it wouldn't turn on. Are you sure the charger is working?
Читать далееYou can try charging it form a computer. If that helped, your charger is faulty. Also, here's the way to reset it, in case charging still doesn't work. Press and hold the b button and the power button for 10 seconds The LEDs will blink red and white 3 times... You're done.
Читать далееI do not own a drone, so I have no way to know real life connections and whatnot, but the firs thing that comes to mi mind is to try the drone out fixed to something, and see whether all four rotors spin up, and are they about the same speed or not. Is there any sound coming from the rotors indicating a malfunction? That might indicate a broken propeller or a motor that may need oiling?
Читать далееQuestion not clear. You can not turn on a keyboard, so I assume you turned on your laptop, and your keyboard was unresponsive. First try to connect an external USB keyboard, and see if that works. Whether it does or doesn't work will effect on how to go about fixing your laptop. Cheers, and keep us posted!
Читать далееMost likely cause for this are some bad capacitors on the power source section of your circuit boards. Look for these: http://meyermed.com/wp-content/gallery/miscellaneous/close-up-of-blown-capicators-in-lnt4065fx.jpg If the top is not flat anymore, but has a rounded shape, they will need replacement. The ones you replace them with may have the same values as the original, or higher. The only problem with higher value resistors is, that they might not fit in there physically. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCSNWi3U... This video will give you a basic idea. Keep me posted!
Читать далееThis should help: https://youtu.be/BKafDNpr8W4?t=1m10s Sadly it deletes personal data stored on the phone, but if your data is synced, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
Читать далееWhen reinstalling your OS, you most likely deleted your recovery partition if that is what you were referring to with recovery. F12 should have given you a boot menu, and F2 should take you in to BIOS. Most of the times it's just a timing issue when to press these buttons. Usually while boot logo is displayed. Press these buttons repeatedly after powering on until (in case) "operating system not found" is displayed. Also be sure that your keyboard is functional. If not, an external USB keyboard will help. Oh! And the "OS not found" might refer to some other thumb drive, external hard drive or SD card connected to the computer. Worst case you can take out your BIOS battery from your motherboard for 10 minutes and while no power source connected to it press the power button for about 10 seconds, than place the small 3V battery back again. Now powering on will give you an error report with an option to either enter bios or boot up. Hope this helped, keep me posted
Читать далееCheck your charger first. If it has the right voltage, you might want to see if internal connections are all in place and that the power jack is firmly in place. Let me hear of your results. (it is not recommended but a common practice to suck on the power jack (if under 12 V) to see if it has current if you have no measuring tool. f it does, you should feel a tingling sensation on you tongue, much like as with licking a battery just a lot stronger depending on voltage)
Читать далееI could describe what I found, but it's easier for me to just send over a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoCD7WuZ... I think you will find all you need here. (skip the first method as you obviously tried that already) Tell me how it went!
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