My retina 15" got the logic board damage and fix it is just stupid. Now in the mean time the new ones come up next quarter, I'm using my macbook pro 2011. Now, because the 2011 is no Retina, SSD and all the other good stuff in it (crying in silence) I did some research to make the 2011 better and I found out I can upgrade to 16 ram and a SSD. Now I check and is not that expensive at least for a SSD 128. BUT this morning it hit me, and I want to ask and make research about this idea. Guys I was wondering, can I take the SSD from my Retina that is actually SSD 256 and put it in my 2011? And save in the SSD? I mean, if possible of curse, if not I would go to buy it how I plan in the first place. Anyway guys any suggestions, ideas or advice are all welcome. I want to know whats best to improve the 2011 meanwhile the new ones get the upgrade. Thanks in advance! :)