Short answer: If you just finished upgrading to Windows 10 and started getting the error, get into the BIOS (F1 key after powering up) and reset to default. Be sure to have "OS optimized defaults" set to Disabled, unless you do use UEFI-based Secure Boot in the system. If you're unsure, try both types of defaults. Thanks Bander for the tip in your comment. Backstory: I had this error come up right after I finished upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10. It happened after the whole upgrade and all the update installations were done completely. Satisfied with my upgrade experience, I shut down my B490 laptop and went to take a nap. I came back from nap and turned it on for a normal day's work, only to get two beeps and the Fan error message. The fan was working completely fine, and it didn't seem like anything would be wrong with the fan hardware per se. The laptop had not moved a hair from where it was, so I doubted the fan's pin connection getting lose. I tried blowing air into the holes. Some dust came out,...