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Hi so I have a Blackberry KeyOne that had a cracked screen so I replaced it with another OEM part but now I see nothing on...
Читать далееHi guys! So I sent in my MacBook Pro 15" Retina late 2013 with the 2.6GHz i7, 16GB RAM and a 1TB SSD ( just in case that...
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Try a SMC and PRAM reset. Sounds like a default answer but they usually can repair any small issues like this.
Читать далееUnfortunately there is nothing you can do about this :( I’d just wear it as a battle scar, otherwise you could get a skin or a case to cover it, otherwise just see it as part of your MacBook. After the first scratch, everything else comes a lot easier!
Читать далееUnfortunately iFixit has not published a teardown for the current iMac, however previous versions allowed swapping out of the processor, suggesting you might be able to upgrade it. HOWEVER the socket on the iMac must match the processor you are replacing it with (a LGA1151 socket). You can find the list here. I would also check that there is a macOS machine that supports the processor as you don’t want to have to hack the processor into the system. Have a look at some teardown videos to check that you would be able to do it. Personally, I would go for less RAM, upgrading this later, rather than attempting to disassemble and upgrade the iMac.
Читать далееYou can purchase screws separately from parts here
Читать далееDid you disconnect the battery when plugging in the screen? I know you can fry iPhone screens if you plug in the screen after you plug in the battery. Do you have a slave display you can check the watch with? Does the watch show up as connected to your iPhone when it gets warm?
Читать далееHi Mona, Are you getting anything at all if you plug it in to iTunes, does the computer recognise it at all? It should not matter that you do not have a MacBook as long as you have the latest version of iTunes installed. If you want to, you can try uninstalling iTunes from your laptop and reinstalling it from either the Windows store or the Apple website. If this does not work, Apple will not charge you to reset the phone to factory settings but you will need to book an appointment. If you do not go to an Apple store, for example and Apple Service provider or a 3rd party repair shop, they may charge you. Apple will do the reset on the phone, even if you did not purchase it there so don’t worry! If your iTunes is all up to date, try following the steps here to put it into DFU mode then reconnect it and try resetting it again. Hope this helps!
Читать далееUnfortunately from my experience there is not. You can take it to a data recovery specialist and they will have tools to extract the data but this will be quite expensive and is not guaranteed to work. I’d suggest next time to back up the phone regularly or use apps like Google Photos to store images only. If you saved data to the SD card, you can remove this and put it in your new phone (it will probably be fine after water damage)
Читать далееI have seen similar before for the iPhone 6 on eBay but honestly the time and effort it not worth it. The two are laminated and calibrated together when you buy them so that touch targets line up and so that there is no air gap between the LCD and digitiser. For more information you can see this video here. Just the digitiser requires dry ice.
Читать далееIf you have forgotten it, you might be able to factory reset it (but you will loose all your content and data) but this will allow you to use it again.
Читать далееHas anything happened to the machine that would cause this? Any water damage? Have you tried a SMC and PRAM reset? Where was the Mac purchased? If it is in the EU, you might be eligible to claim under EU consumer law for a repair as long as the machine is in good condition. You can do this through either Apple or any AASP.
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