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@Betty Souders Little late but may help some others. I don't know much about an engage switch but I know if you have a mower that has the blade engagement bar on the handle, if the cable gets too loose where it mounts against the engine it will not engage the coil and the engine will die because the coil will loose ground and not fire just like as if you did not press the engagement bar down.. Tighten the cable or bend out where it mounts so the cable tensions up and pulls out enough to engage the coil ground, When they get like this the engine may run if you hold the cable engagement on the handle down all the way but when you let off on the engagement bar just a bit it will die.
Читать далееLikely a bad spindle bearing that is seizing up. Check by hand if any spindles feel locked or hard to turn. If so replace both the top and bottom spindle shaft bearings. Examine the shaft. If it looks bent replace the shaft also or the whole spindle assembly. Leave the spindle on the deck and just remove the shaft as the hold down bolts are very brittle and prone to breaking.
Читать далееPoulan is like an MTD. So your Poulan probably has the same safety feature as the Troy built MTD. You likely don't know that when you start your engine you turn the key about halfway back to the left and press the triangle sign on the dash. Then a light comes on and you can put it in reverse and cut all you want in reverse. They make them to die when you put them in reverse as a safety feature when you are mowing around pets and kids that may get behind you. If you have no worry about running over and causing damage just turn that off as mentioned every time you start your engine.
Читать далееLiz- The problem is in the main board. Make sure you leave the T.V. unplugged for at least 24 hrs. Gently lay down your TV. face down on a soft surface. Only hold set to lift it by outer edges not screen. Take off cover screws. The main board is the smaller board to the right side looking from the back. Gently unplug all the connectors to the main board without damaging the plugs. Don't pull the plugs out by the wires but depress the edges of the connector plugs or figure how they are held on so they can release and then gently wiggle the connector as you pull them off. Remove board screws and board. Get the model number off your T.V. and the part number on the main board. On the net search for the main board using the part number. Shop around for the best deal. You may be able to buy a new one cheap for some sets from China but will take 6 weeks to get. Screw replacement board down. Plug the connectors back in. Then you can put the back cover on and plug it in.
Читать далееI have a 2012 42” RCA that came on now and then. If I plugged in the set the standby power light would come on. Hit the on button on the set or with the remote and the light would go out but usually the set would not turn on. Unplug set (just flip off power surge protector) for a couple seconds. Re-plug and power light comes back on. Hit power on button and the light goes out but set still does not come on. Do this a half dozen to a dozen times and eventually the set comes on and plays great as long as it is not turned off. Next time I turn it on it may come on but usually will not come on unless I plug and re-plug numerous times. I believe there is a power relay that is sticking and not sending the power to the boards. With the back off I saw that the wires from my power button were routed/plugged directly to the main board. So I figured the problem whether the relay or something else was in the main board. I found a used board on ebay (only one I could find) for $38. I offered and bought it for $28....
Читать далееStore your cracked screen TV until that model gets a little age and you may be able to buy one of the same size and model needing a board replacement for cheap or even for free on Craigslist. Then just change out your internal parts (boards) to that TV and have a good TV.
Читать далееLikely the reason your tractor will not move with foot pedal depressed is that the drive belts are stretched and worn so the transaxle pulley is not grabbing and turning enough to engage transmission gears. One or both belts could contribute to this problem. So it is best to replace both upper and lower drive belts unless you have recently replaced one of them. The long lower belt engages the variable speed pulley from the engine crankshaft pulley which spins in ratio speed to how much pressure is put on the belt from the foot pedal. The secondary upper belt runs around the variable speed pulley to the transaxle pulley that turns the transmission gears causing mower to drive. Wear/slippage from either belt can cause a loss of driving power, even little or no movement at all. Of course your belt may have slipped off of a pulley in particular a tensioner pulley. So first look under the tractor and make sure belt is on and routed properly and if necessary adjust or replace any belt keepers that may have bent...
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