Hi, I just have the same probleme after take a bath with headphone (dont do that haha !) After it the headphone cant charge. Just charge and stop Usually about fixing item, I tried to fix it. so basically for find the charger plug inside : You can follow the tutorial for see the battery. In additional you must remove the big flex cable (blue and white) its plug in to the usb c card. After you need to take off all screw inside ear. there is 11 screws. When its finish you can use the plastic blue tool and pull to yourself the black plastic inside. Dont pull too much because the ear is welded to a black cable. But you could access enough to the usb card. So when u see it just take off the screw and pull the card to you (you can help the flex from the other side). After you can replace it, or clean it. (Brush it). In my case the heaphone dont charging, after pulg it the red light stay only 5 seconde and stop. I have the card in front of me now and the connexion are a bit blued (because water) Update...