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Hello Fixers... I have a customer in Canada with a 12 Pro Max A2410 He needs a new back glass with Logo, but Mobilesentrix...
Читать далееHey guys, I had a working Iphone 10 come in for a battery. I put it together and realized i forgot the sheild over the FPC...
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This would be a great solution. Heppa fan units used in mycology https://youtu.be/eKOp3t7iQCA?si=UFf0Uw5y.... Here are ones for lcd work, not sure if it would be big enough to work comfotably https://www.amazon.ca/gp/aw/d/B0C6QL9RY1... (GYKLE Laminar flow hood Vertical Air Flow Clean Bench Vertical Laminar Dust Free Worktable for Phone/ipad LCD Repair HE-PA Filter Green/White Light 3 Layer Filter Element) Doesn't need to be laminar flow, just Heppa filtration.
Читать далееTry to find diode readings for the fpc connector the lcd is connecting too. Meter in diode mode and put red on ground and black on fpc connector. Careful not to damage pins. Sometimes their is OL on the diode readings and you can have a missing filter on one of those lines and not know it. If you don't find anything wrong in the diode reading. Inspect and trace back any OL pins and look for missing components If that is all ok, you might want another testing working lcd to test with. A completely dead battery can cause no display as well, putting device into dfu mode and leaving plugged in to a computer overnight can help charge battery
Читать далееHere are my readings from that connector. All the readings are pretty close except for pin 20. For pin 20 I couldnt make out what it says but im guessing for that pin you have to test with probes reversed. I got OL With red on Ground and when i reverse probes Black on ground i get .679 Do these readings mean that its not a motherboard issue? I didnt measure the filter since the connector readings seem alright Also my Icopy 2 was able to read the screen threw that same flex cable
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