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Dear Ifixer's, I have some issues with an iphone 7 screen replacement. Replaced the customers screen and looks like the...
Читать далееDear ifixers, A costumer came by with an iphone 6 that was dropped, the phone had no visual damage's. After the drop the...
Читать далееDear Ifixers, I bought an iphone 6 from a costumer that had dropped his Iphone. (factory phone, was never opened for...
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Hey Allan Barr, Thx for your comment, I also had small part of the touchscreen that did not responded. Followed your steps and it’s working 100% now. Thank you for your contribution! Grtz
Читать далееhey there guys, Im having the same problem, restored my phone and since than he doesn't start up anymore and stays on the apple logo. i already tried with 3 different batteries but still no result, he just keep doing the same. is there any solution to this problem ? Or what would be the cause of it ? thank you very much for your time and possible answer. kind regards
Читать далееThan it would definitely be stap 32 by lifting to home button cable of the front panel. Fixable and cheap is wat i wanted to hear ;-) Thank you very much for your time Tom !
Читать далееHey Tom, I just did my first iPhone 6 LCD replacement, and I think I also broke the vinger print function. How do I prevent this from happening in the future ? What action is the most delicate to perform that could damage the fingerprint function ? Could it be that this happend when i was peeling off the home button connector that is attached to the LCD shield ? ( Like you can see in step 32 iPhone 6 Plus LCD and Digitizer Replacement ) Or witch step is the most dangeres or delicate ? Those from step 23 to 29 ? I would really like to know how I prevent this kind off situations in the future. I would really appreciate it, if you would look trew these steps and could help me preventing to do any damage at all. If there went something wrong i think it would be by performing step 32, I was really careful with it but the connector wouldn't come lose off the LCD, think I will be using my opener in the future to loosen the adhesive with some heat. Thank you for considering to answer this. Best regards Koen
Читать далееhi there, i'm having the same issue... replaced screen and power/volume flex all buttons work fine, exept the powerbutton, works only when you turn the divice on or off, screenlock doesn't work even assistif touch doesn't work to lock the screen... the only possibility in my case would be the lcd board i think... I did not really toucht the lcd board because im really carefull with it butt is it possible to damage it when cutting the sticker that holds the connection from the power/volume flex ? thx
Читать далееjessabethany I'm having the same problem with an ipad 2 replaced the screen en power and volume cable's. The power button is only working when you turn the divice on or off, locking the screen issent possible olso tried by assistive touch, it won't work... Can you please help me finding an answer to this problem ? p.s. Another strange issue is when the divece is turned on, the apple logo come's on and normally after the apple logo desepears you automatticly see the startscreen, in this case the screen stays black after the apple logo desepears untill you push the home button, could this issue have to do with te powerbutton problem ? thx
Читать далееTry checking your general settings, than go to time and date. If the battery was disconnected its always possible that the phone's date automatically go's to 01-01-1970 if this happens the phone wil no longer have connection to your provider and most of the times even don't read your sim... Let me know it worked ! ;-) Greets koen
Читать далееHad THE Same problem on à copple off iPhone 5's, phones weer returnd with a mic problem... In the first cases I changed the mic by installing a new one, after a while I tried to fix the problem using the same mic, and it did work ! Just check that the flex cable is placed correctly and check the golden contact points well so there in touch with the microphone springs, in most of the cases it's just a bad connection... To bobby : if you take an iPhone apart en disconnect the battery there always a possibility that the iPhone automatically changed he's date and time. If you check your date and time you will see that the date changed and now is on 01-01-1970 when dis problem appears the iPhone won't reconize the sim or will be stuck in searching mode... To fix this problem just connect the iPhone to the Internet by wifi go to settings general en set change date and time automatic normally this should solve your problem... Hope this was a help (Story for the bad English) Koen
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