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Nintendo 2DS - это упрощенная версия Nintendo 3DS, которая всё же содержит такое же аппаратное обеспечение, сходную функциональность и совместимость с программным обеспечением, разработанным для Nintendo DS и 3DS. Однако 2DS отличается своим новым плиточным форм-фактором от дизайна раскладушки, используемого её предшественниками, а также отсутствием характерного Nintendo 3DS автостереоскопического 3D дисплея.

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Why won't my Nintendo 2DS power on?

After charging my device overnight,when turning the power switch to ON, the 2DS screen remains black and the power LED remains unlit.

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Does the light indicating it is charging come on when you attach the charger? Has this been exposed to liquid? Have foreign objects been inserted into the cartridge slot? Have you ever seen this unit work properly Please give us more about the history of this game system.


My son has been using the 2DS devise for from almost 2 years. unfortunately the devise is not starting now even after a complete charge. Please advise.


i have a problom my 2DS charges and the light is on but it won't display my screen


Can you help me my 2ds charging light turns on when I charge it but the light comes on for a few seconds and my 2ds turn on light won't turn on at all and my 2ds won't open please help me


I think there may be something loose on the motherboard with my 2 yr old 2d's, does anyone know what the name of the big silver plate is?


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Had this happen to my son's 2DS today, and I was able to fix it. For clarity's sake, my issue was this: no matter if the 2DS was connected to the AC adapter or not, when the power button was pressed, the blue LED would light for a couple of seconds and then extinguish. If you listened closely, you could hear the speaker "pop" when the LED turned off.

How did I fix it? Follow along:

  1. Remove the battery cover, battery;
  2. Remove the back case, and gently release the rear camera ribbon cable from the mother board.
  3. On the motherboard, there are two other ribbon cables (near center). For some reason, my research landed on many people that said if the contacts on these cables get misaligned (through dropping, whatnot), it will cause the LED activity that I mentioned above.
  4. Release these two cables, then re-insert, and ensure that each cable is in completely (and straight) before clamping down again.
  5. Connect the battery, and test your DS. The reason I don't recommend putting everything back together - my research also indicated that since these two cables are so finicky, it could take several times to get it "just right".
  6. Gently put everything back together.
  7. Happy gamer!

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Thanks, even though the ribbons appeared to be in properly, I removed them and placed back in and that did the trick!


já tentei muitas vezes e não consegui ligar


Além de assegurar que os dois conectores no centro da placa de circuito impresso são limpos, em linha reta, e firmemente no lugar, eu não sei o que mais a recomendar...

A sua bateria tem quaisquer sinais de degradação? Você pode detectar todas as outras questões sobre a placa de circuito impresso? Há uma tampa de metal sobre o processador, se for solto, ele pode causar problemas, bem como...

Deixe-me saber o que você descobrir!


Na tentativa de limpar as telas do meu 2ds, eu tirei as duas fitas da placa mãe do console. E após montar ele novamente não consegui ligar e sempre fazendo pop depois de 3 segundos.


I had the same symptoms, started to open it up, but just took the battery out, cleaned the contacts and put it back in, to check. And voilà, it started up just fine. Seems contacts weren't coping with the current of start up.


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It would be helpful to know more about your problem, but for general reference this troubleshooting guide has some information on your problem.

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My Nintendo 2ds won't charge every time I take the charger off it says low battery then I left it charging for about 2 days and I turned it on But the orange light

Was still there and nothing happened so I took it off the charger tried again but there was no light or anything. This has been happening ever since my dad changed the battery. So what do I do? Please help me.


I juat bought a nintendo 2ds on ebay but its not turning on after pressing the power button

Do i need to charge it or something else

Please help me out with it


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Your ds is broken or simply remove the back and check the battery for anything weird this is what happenrd to my dsi before you do this try charging it for ,24 hours if that doesn't work do what I said above.

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I had this same issue. It seemed to work again after I removed the back, reseated the battery back in, but the was a metallic rattle in the inside. When I took off the back fully there was a silver colored metal plate that had come unsoldered. Anyone know what the function of that plate was? 2ds turns on without it in there but need to know if it could cause issues if not put back on. Don't want any hazards.

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Im trying your suggestion. Will let you know.


What size screwdriver did you use?


the metal plate is just to cover the processor and other components. it is not need so i would recommend learning how to take apart your 2ds and just removing it all together. hope this helped.


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The 2DS might be in sleep mode while it's off.

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I just opened the battery case part (top two screws - size 00 Philips), took a pencil eraser and "lightly" cleaned the terminals of the battery. Dropped battery back in and it works fine

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The only thing i can think of is if the sleep mode is on on the bottom of the device. If it is turned to the right it means it is in sleep mode. Turn it left to turn off sleep mode to see if it works. If it isn't still working sorry.

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If the orange light is only showing, you may have your sleep switch in the on mode, which causes it to not turn on when it is dead or off.

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Try to switch the sleep switch that help me


I had a problem similar to this where it was charging but I couldnt turn it on. I hadnt played my 2ds in a while and realized it was on sleep mode.


Hello I am having a problem with my child 2ds. The device blacked out while he was playing. I opened it up cleaned it out & I still doesn’t work. When I turn it on the device makes a pop noise & shuts down 3 seconds after.


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Make sure the battery is making contact. My son dropped his and afterwards didn't work. I took the back top cover off. The two very small screws if you can find a screwdriver that size. I took up the slop in battery compartment by folding a small piece of paper towel behind and doubled up to put pressure against battery and prongs. Works fine again.

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  1. If you have the new 2ds xl , the power button ribbon likes to come off in some models.
  2. If you don’t, Maybe water damage, Battery dead?
  3. Or, water got to the motherboard.

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