Hello 👋🏻
Could be more helpful if you do some test
Plug the charger … color of it ?
Then be VERY careful now
Disconnect power and do not short anything
Then also open bottom lid
Disconnect the battery
Press power for few seconds ( 5/10 )
Re- connect battery
Color of MagSafe again ?
Reset SMC
Color of MagSafe again ?
Press power and see if start …
Yes not …..
Did you replace and check C7771 +- and 1,05 volt to …?
this is a common issue , on this video you get the most brilliant information
Let us know
Ciao 👋🏻
Hi there 👌🏻
Thanks for your fast reply
Well I guess you mostly like have a C7771 broken !
Well red light is a very good sign 👍🏻
It is charging!
I strongly recommended to misure the C first
Then if you have experience in soldering
Will be very easy to replace it
But you need a good lens
May be two soldering or hot air station !!! Be very careful with it
Some flux
And of course a new 330UF tantalum capacitor 2.5 V NIT 2.0 V ( old one )
Let us know 👍🏻
You are from Germany right ?
To far otherwise I would do it for free 👌🏻
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3 Комментариев
I tried all the great advice and nothing worked. I replaced a new (refurbished) battery and it started. I knew the battery was dying on me but held off on changing it. I guess I needed a functioning battery to restart my macbook even though the old battery showed 100% charged and the power plug was in. Just wanted to leave my feedback to this great community of Mac users. Thanks guys.
из pseudosea7
I'm glad you fixed it! It can be tedious, grueling work. Must feel good.
из MarkyMark
There is this youtube video on a person who warmed up the keyboard with a blow dryer before starting. I now have to do that. Miserable but it is the price I have to pay to be cheap and hold off on upgrading my computer (AKA buy a new one.).
Ok here is the video:
из pseudosea7