tdnet, try this first. I am not sure but most certainly do not think that it is a faulty IC
If a new program has made your computer behave unpredictably, and uninstalling the new program did not help, you can try the Windows XP System Restore tool.
Important If you have not previously set a restore point in System Restore, you cannot restore your computer to a previous state. If you are not sure, or if you have not previously set a restore point, contact Support.
Restore to a point where you know your computer functioned without problems.
To start System Restore using the Command prompt, follow these steps:
- Restart your computer, and then press and hold F8 during the initial startup to start your computer in safe mode with a Command prompt.
- Use the arrow keys to select the Safe mode with a Command prompt option.
- If you are prompted to select an operating system, use the arrow keys to select the appropriate operating system for your computer, and then press ENTER.
- Log on as an administrator or with an account that has administrator credentials.
- At the command prompt, type %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe, and then press ENTER.
- Follow the instructions that appear on the screen to restore your computer to a functional state.
If this does not work let us know since there is a way to repair Win without losing your info.....good luck:)
Here it is 11 years later. It just took us a couple of years to figure out that the biggest problem is the big capacitor Nec/tokin. Peoples Toshiba laptop would work well in battery mode but when it was plugged in to the AC adapter it would have symptoms like freezing, rebooting, blank screen and other things. Replacing the capacitors for VCCore did resolve those issue.
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5 Комментариев
Yours only just stopped working! Try booting from the DVD drive instead of Windows Vista (Horrible OS). But before you install Windows XP check that you can still get drivers for the computer.
My laptop died just after a year from the hard drive dying a second time and the motherboard dying. I would just buy a new computer. The machine isn't worth your time trying to fix it. I'm sure you'll find Windows 7 is quite good, Toshiba have some OK ones out at the moment but shop around, as I think Toshiba have lost their way from others and my experience with their laptops.
Hope all goes well.
из Tom Foxwell
I do not think that it is the Toshiba brand that gives that error, I do agree that Vista is a beast of an OS. That is where the trouble with riyadh's computer is.
из oldturkey03
It is definitely a hardware problem. My Toshiba Satellite laptop is hanging as well. i tried everything, either there is an IC or some board problem.
i guess using not original adaptor causing this problem.
из Kaleem
I have had my teacher that is my robotics coach look at it and he said it was a software fix how do you fix it
из harrypotterandgobetoffire
He used the right adapter
из harrypotterandgobetoffire