3DS Black Screen When Booting Up/ Has CFW
When I try to turn on my 3ds it will have a black screen and a blue light that will fade away (if there is no SD card inserted) but if a SD card is inserted the blue light will stay there, the problem is the problem is i installed homebrew and the contents from the SD card are deleted and replaced with my own personal files that are now lost somewhere. is there anyone know how to fix? did it brick?
anyone know whats wrong with it.
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14 Комментариев
Just Blow The SD Card And It Should Work
из velimir_velikov
it does not work
из Haider Ali
i had a new 3ds xl that turned on but the screens were black and you could hear the home menu and the music it played it turned out it was the camera had a micro tear because when i put a known working camera in it ...the system fully booted up and then the screens turned on and worked as normal so if you have a new 3ds xl or a new 3ds that turns on fully and just has a black screen then its your cameras ribbion cabel hope this helped reply to me if it did thanks
из ldoerocks2612
Mine gives me a black screen with an error code
из omeaga deku
omeaga deku has the same problem as me. When I updated I could not use standard firmware. (I booted off luma with a .3gx plugin loader)
EDIT: It only happened recently (like a week or 2 ago)
из simpson
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