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The Toshiba Satellite L300 was a notebook designed and sold by Toshiba that came with a version of Windows Vista. They were sold around May-June 2009 and while ineligible for the free 7 upgrade, time past and upgrades are unclaimable now, run 7 home premium well without upgrades mainly because of Vista's resource hog quality. Also known as Toshiba Satellite L300-04P (PSLB8C-04P01X).

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My laptop displays white blank page showing nothing

My laptop brings white blank page displaying nothing

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Mudriq Yakoub  he white screen just means that your backlight turns on but your LCD screen obviously does not get a signal (video). Connect an external monitor first to see if that displays. If so you are having a problem with your LCD. If it does not the problem could be with your GPU processor on the motherboard. Let us know what you get with an external monitor. I seem to recall that this series of Toshiba laptops had issues with the motherboard.

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