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Guides for the LTE version of the iPad Mini 4—model A1550. Announced on September 9, 2015, the iPad Mini 4 is the successor to the iPad Mini 3.

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help me identify this component

i acccidently knocked out this while removing this ipad mini 4 wifi ic. can anyone help me to identify this component and its value?i think it is a resistor

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it looks like just a cap on my board view software check to see if one side is ground with your multi meter

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can confirm it is just a cap you should be fine going ahead and turning it on


yes one of its side is a ground.

do you know its value from your board software?i only have phoneboard


i unfortunately i do not have the values but you mint be fine just leaving it off


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master Nizar будет вечно благодарен.
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