USB-C port not charging with power delivery
A few days ago, the usb-c port of my ally had stopped charging with the provided adapter. It still connects (a white LED shows up when connected in sleep mode), but it will not charge it, no matter what side of the usb I used.
Right now it only charges with low power cables, the kind that you would use for phones, and (as far as I know) only works on one side of the cable. Obviously it means that I can't use it and charge at the same time, I'd have to wait about 8-9 hours just for it to charge 60%. Non-charging cables work as well, but again only on one side.
I took the ally to two repair shops, both of which did nothing to fix the problem (thinking the adapter was the problem). I think it has to do with the port itself, or somehow a bios update. I hope this could get fixed soon, I don't want have to return it.
Edit: Thanks to JiYoW (@luunfmr2mlkysbv) for helping me out! The solution is to try and switch the "batter care" on the MyAsus app on and off a couple of times, and also the full-charge mode as well just to be safe. Then fully turn off the ally, plug in the charger, and then turn it back on, Very simple!
I'll keep this question open in case the solution doesn't work for someone else, and if others have others ways to fix this (hopefully without going into too many repair shop beforehand 😅)
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I have this problem too.
I changed from battery care mode, to charge it up to 100% (from 80%) as I was travelling and wanted longer play time.
But ever since it doesn't recognise the official rog ally charger or a 100w charger that I used for a dock.
But it will charge with my smartphone charger, although very very slowly.
I've tried disconnecting the actual battery and plugging the charger in but still nothing.
I've tried turning the battery care and instant charge on and off a few times, then restarted but nothing has worked. I even tried rolling back my bios, but I can't even do that because it says adapter not connected.. so it must need to be plugged in to roll back.
The last option is to wipe my windows and do a fresh install as I saw here that it fixed the problem for others. But I'd prefer not to lose all my data.
из Barkermush