I figured it out, my video card was turning down my brightness on my movies. All video plays thru it so it was the culprit. I didn't think that was the problem cause it seemed to do the same thing on other sources but come to find out, it's fine on other sources now. Thanks for your help. I will get back to you if I have any other problems. But yeah, it was the settings on the video card.
Hi, my 120gb zune lost it’s firmware out of the blue. Then, when I try to update the firmware, it gives an error saying my zune won’t respond and I need to restart it. Well, I did that several times and it still gives the message. I was able to get the firmware back for some odd reason but it didn’t get all the way thru the step process before it gave the error message again. Well, then it boot up to the menu but it wouldn’t sync any music while sitting there giving the message saying, “content being added”. Then, it gives the error again and the zune disconnects and I have to disconnect/reconnect. Well, I formatted it again and now can’t get the firmware to go back like before. It keep saying it’s not responding. I followed all the steps to install the firmware using your own server to the T. Is the hard drive going bad and can my pc fix the sectors? Thanks.