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If so, where can you purchase screens or any replacement parts?
Читать далееSo we have a large inventory of iphones and ipads. On occasion we will have several that sit on a shelf, fully charged,...
Читать далееJust saw there is an ifixit home button for 7/7+ that says it works as a replacement but doesn’t have Touch ID. Been a...
Читать далееCurrently we have experienced several instances of home buttons not working after replacing screens. Screens are from our...
Читать далееWe have had about 15 ipad mini 4s completely lose wifi functionality after being updated to the newest OS. In every single...
Читать далееAfter trying all the other home button solutions for 7/7 pluses and 8/8 pluses and being really disappointed, we were...
Читать далееA couple days ago my personal iphone 7 plus started malfunctioning severely. First, the mic stopped working during a phone...
Читать далееI replaced the screen on a friends iPhone SE, and afterwards noticed that it would not charge past one percent. Thought it...
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its looking like we just had a bad batch of screens. derp. however we are still curious what the new sensor/chip off to the right of the new home button is. anyone have any ideas?
Читать далееmost likely you have a replacement screen that is missing the sleep/wake sensor. that’s why the old screen worked normally. it’s just to the left of the home button bracket if it’s there. compare the old screen to the new one and you should see the difference. or, the sensor on the new one is damaged. either way that is 1000% the problem. lots of cheap-o screens are missing the sensor.
Читать далееwe did finally receive several of these new (YF) versions of the home buttons. they do “work”, and give haptic feedback, but are very glitchy. Several times there have been random black screens that took several minutes to recover from, and at least one boot loop. The buttons also seem to get warm, and have sluggish performance at times, as if it has a delayed reaction. I cannot, in good faith, recommend using these current buttons unless they work out the bugs. If i have any say so in the matter, we will not be sending out any of these to end users.
Читать далееis it possible the connectors on the screen arent fully seated? try to disconnect/reconnect screen connectors to make sure. many times they will look and feel connected but are slightly off. happens a lot in aftermarket mini 4 screens
Читать далееnow there’s this product. https://www.unionrepair.com/jc-universal-home-button-with-return-function-for-iphone-7-7plus-8-8plus.html seems to work. about to order a couple to try them out here
Читать далееPosted this elsewhere but found this post afterwards: There are a couple ways to trick it if you’re using an aftermarket screen that does not have a sleep/wake sensor installed. First, update the pad to the newest OS since this work around goes away once you update or restore the device. We figured out some work-arounds a couple years back when we got a huge shipment of mini 4 screens that did not have sleep/wake sensors installed. You can use either of these two methods to achieve the same result. All you are doing is tricking the device into thinking the sleep/wake sensor is present long enough to get the “Lock/Unlock” switch to appear, which is not present until a smart case is detected. A.connect the original screen to it that has the sleep/wake sensor attached. Turn the device on. Using a smart case (or a magnet in just the right spot), get the device to sleep/wake when closing/opening the device. You will hear a “click” as the screen goes black. In settings, go to Display & brightness and turn off...
Читать далееThere are a couple ways to trick it if you’re using an aftermarket screen that does not have a sleep/wake sensor installed. First, update the pad to the newest OS since this work around goes away once you update or restore the device. We figured out some work-arounds a couple years back when we got a huge shipment of mini 4 screens that did not have sleep/wake sensors installed. (1) connect the original screen to it that has the sleep/wake sensor attached. Turn the device on. Using a smart case (or a magnet in just the right spot), get the device to sleep/wake when closing/opening the device. You will hear a “click” as the screen goes black. In settings, go to Display & brightness and turn off the Lock/unlock switch. The sleep/wake button will now work correctly when you install the new screen that does not have the sensor installed. (2) ——OR—— (3) with the aftermarket screen installed and the device powered on, use a small piece of conductive metal to jump the connectors where the sleep/wake sensor WOULD...
Читать далееThere are a couple ways to trick it if you’re using an aftermarket screen that does not have a sleep/wake sensor installed. First, update the pad to the newest OS since this work around goes away once you update or restore the device. We figured out some work-arounds a couple years back when we got a huge shipment of mini 4 screens that did not have sleep/wake sensors installed. (1) connect the original screen to it that has the sleep/wake sensor attached. Turn the device on. Using a smart case (or a magnet in just the right spot), get the device to sleep/wake when closing/opening the device. You will hear a “click” as the screen goes black. In settings, go to Display & brightness and turn off the Lock/unlock switch. The sleep/wake button will now work correctly when you install the new screen that does not have the sensor installed. (2) ——OR—— (3) with the aftermarket screen installed and the device powered on, use a small piece of conductive metal to jump the connectors where the sleep/wake sensor WOULD...
Читать далееi just had this same issue while trying to repair a 6s. i get the same error message "software for this iphone not currently available". Have the latest version of iTunes, and the latest version of 3U, which basically tells me it can't detect the device type, and doesn't know which version of iOS goes with the device. The device itself has a black screen even when powered on, and shows no other signs of issues other than a standard cracked screen. It has never been repaired or opened before today. Any suggestions? Just to clarify, this is NOT a computer or iTunes problem, as we repair hundreds of iPhones and iPads at this repair center every day, so all of our machines are up to date with the latest software and running correctly. Connecting this device to any other machine in the building yields the same result. Obviously to me, there's something going on with the device and it can't be recognized properly.
Читать далееit all depends on whether or not the restore works or not. If it can't be restored via iTunes or 3u, then most likely it has logic board level problems. At that point unless he's offering it to you at a very cheap price it would not be worth it. As the user above mentioned, we need more info to give you proper advice.
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agreed. never ever try to do a glass only repair. no one but screen refurbishers ever do such a thing
Chris k