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Hello everyone, I recently bought alle the equipment needed to ground/bond myself, only there's one problem. The room I...
Читать далееI'm talking both the 6 Y000 to the sides and the one philips next to the Touch ID. Unfortunately they are not mentioned in...
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DOA machines happen...Even with Apple. I recently opened an sealed iPhone X with a nice fat scratch on the glass. Luckily for the customer I noticed it, otherwise he'll have a !&&* of a time explaining that to the customer service.
Читать далееtelefoon uitzetten, touchid 1 aansluiten, telefoon aanzetten, als je de verkeerde hebt aangesloten zie je nu in beeld: touchid is niet beschikbaar. Als je dat niet te zien krijgt heb je de goeie te pakken.
Читать далееThe guide for the iPhone 7 Plus states that it uses 1.1mm Y000 for the 6 shield screws and one 1.8mm philips. Since most of the other screws seem to be the same length my guess is those will be identical as well.
Читать далееMy guess is yes, everything to step 12 will be necessary
Читать далееYou'll need to reinstall using an USB installation media. This page will provide all the information you need: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10
Читать далееMy thoughts point towards the magnet sensor that senses a magnet inside a case, telling the iPad to wake up if you uncover the screen. I never checked the schematics for that but considering the symptoms of your issue i guess they share the same circuit. This sensor is soldered on and should be removed and replaced to the new assembly with a heat gun or something like that.
Читать далееThere are temparature senors that can be blocked by ice, depending on how the engineers designed your freezer. IF they are blocked by ice, they'll sense a lower temp than the overall temp inside of the freezer, and think everything is OK and won't be adding extra cold.
Читать далееDownload HP support assistant and check if the newest drivers are installed.
Читать далееObviously a hardware failure. You'll need to do some troubleshooting, but there's a big chance you have motherboard damage.
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It holds the touchid sensor in place. Duh :p
Thats quite easy. Thats the ‘block’ on the bottom left of the screen. Make sure it aligns nicely.
The screw to the left holding the heatshield is never mentioned in this guide
i miss the screw size here