Information about me
I'm Ahmed Aljayzani, from Saudi Arabia.
I have some information I want to share with you:
- I have some information I want to share with you:
- I studied Electrical Eng. at KIng Abdulaziz U, Jeddah, Saudia Arabia. I did some communication courses, and I worked with my classmates as a group, three classes. At that time, I believed that working with the team is a benefit for members who love sharing and getting new skills.
- I worked at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology, KAUST, in control center. My job was a dispatcher, communicate employer and monitor the areas inside and outside.
- In 2015, I came to the US to continue my studies in Electrical Eng. My first station was at Gonzaga U, and then I transferred to EWU. Ultimately, I'm taking Technical Communication course to improve my communication skills and learn new skills. That is what I expect to learn.
Мои руководства
Мои вики
Eastern Washington University, Team S1-G1, Rowley Summer 2018
Тег команды: EWU-ROWLEY-SU18S1G1