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This guide for the power/ volume ribbon is not on the 7+ page, so I found myself here. This guide is very accurate and mostly similar. I didn’t have much trouble, but there are a few extra steps that aren’t on the normal 7. (things like a few extra screws and and ribbon connectors) If your using this guide for the 7+, not knowing to unscrew a few extra screw could be the end of your phone. Especially the extra screw in the center of the logic board! (Which obviously isn’t in this guide because its for the normal 7)
Bouncing back and fourth from the available 7+ guides gave me the info that was missing in the particular guide, and was only a bit of a pain. Manageable tho with a little extra brain power haha.
PLEASE MAKE THIS GUIDE FOR THE iPHONE 7+! It would be greatly appreciated by many users! Not to mention there are still many 7+ users out there and it would be very helpful.
-thank you!
yeah some replacement screens don’t come with those (2?) tiny brackets. I cant believe they skipped over it either… I dont think they come with this ribbon assembly either. On one build i had to pop the brackets off of the old screen (they we glued to the screen’s frame) and use a tiny piece of electric tape to hold everything in place on the new screen’s frame. It took a little patience but amb/prox still sit in place and works fine months later.
I was also having trouble with my ambient light/prox sensor working when I got the other problems resolved. I turned out that screen’s black or white color Comes from a thin layer of paint applied to the back side of the glass.
I ended up taking a sharp pair of tweezers and gently scraping away the paint inside, right were the sensor sits. Viola the sensors can see and work again.
It left an ugly clear mark so I could under the glass, but since my screen is black a little sharpie blended it in fine and left a translucent window for the sensor.
I never had the buttons in iOS be disabled tho. Maybe the phone knows the sensor can't see, or it could be a bad cable or hardware. I'm not completely sure on the issue.
@jeffsu thank you man, a few pieces of electrical tape and cleaning the connectors worked perfect.
Anybody got a solution to earpiece not working after ribbon swap?
Seems to be mega common with this repair. I’ve heard a few ideas but nothing concrete. More advice about this issue would be greatly appreciated by me and a bunch of people.