Sounds like (maybe) two issues. (1) Bent contacts: As far as the bent metal clips are concerned, try using needle nose plyers to orient them correctly (bend them back). If this is part of the upper set, they are one piece that should be able to be removed by just a flat blade screwdriver and/ or needle nose plyers. Once removed, it might be easier to shape/bend back in place. If the lower set is bent, then you might consider removing the back case to access the metal connectors better. (2) Not powering on: If batteries can be held in place temporary to make good contact and the wii remote does not power on it may be more serious and requiring you to open up the remote to inspect. A few hints in either case: (1) Corrosion from battery leakage can be a problem and if so, would need to be cleaned out completely. Corrosion is usually visible on the upper metal plate as a dry green/white powdery substance stuck to the metal plate. Cleaning toughly with vinegar and baking soda, will help and may result in fixing...
Love the guide. In performing this myself very useful, but there are may small details that would have helped me and for the first time novice such as:
- Describing in more detail how to separate the Digitizer and Display cables that intertwine and is connected to the home button.
- Recommend repair novice taking their own pictures as reference points to go back to
- Tools a good magnifying lens or a means to see small part details
- Provide more insight on how the display metal back is to be removed after folding back display cables and removing corner tape.
- Not all repair parts are the same; recommend basic instruction on common steps for parts that require re-applying the metal back, and folding over the cables