Hi, I’ve had intermittent probs with my Lenovo 2 not charging and not starting. I tried new power cords, remove battery with 20 sec power button push all of which worked for a time but now it won’t charge AND won’t turn on when plugged in. I have taken it to a couple of PC stores telling them what I have done and if they could check the motherboard power connection - the part that the power cord fits into. Both times, for a charge of $50 each time, they have told me that the power cord is fine (DUHHHH, I bought a new one and tested it!!!) and that it was probably my MOBO. NEITHER of them gave me any information about the power connector part GRHHH :=} I was wondering/hoping that someone here MAY have tried replacing this part to see if it was the culprit OR is my MOBO fried…