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My iMac late 2009 is running like applications and such will open but the LCD screen is black. I have put new thermal...
Читать далееMy iMac is running like applications and such will open but the lcd screen is black. I have put new thermal paste on the...
Читать далееI am wondering the best possible mxm 3.0 type b GPU compatible with my iMac late 2009 27 inch. I have found a couple of...
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Yeah I personally would go for it! The specs on the old models are fairly decent for even modern applications. If this answers you question please accept my solution. Thanks
Читать далееIs the actual power turning off? Or is it the display turning off? My iMac has that exact problem where the display will turn off.
Читать далееYou can’t. Also keep in mind when buying a new logic board such as that one your eyeing on eBay it won’t work with your existing touch id sensor, this is because they are paired at the factory.
Читать далееIs the top spout clogged with gunk? if you dont know then just unscrew the arms and see if theres food and crap in it and if not check the pores of the arms and see if thats clogged with food just had a similar problem on my dishwasher.
Читать далееIf you can take out the ssd and buy a sata to usb adapter and clear it on another iMac if you have one or have a friend or relative with one. Then boot into recovery mode and put a new os on your ssd and try again the OS may be corrupted. P.S you should probably back up your stuff on your ssd. Sorry I keep refereeing to it as an ssd if its a fusion drive or hdd.
Читать далееif you usually use your mac book on your lap instead of on stand ups or on a stand you probably got the inside filled with dust if you can grab a can of compressed air. Then try and clean out the side of the computer as best as you can by shooting air through all the vent holes.
Читать далееMost likely a bad logic board.
Читать далееYou should definitely put it into your iMac instead of a USB 3.0 external ssd. You won’t even need a cage adapter for your ssd just disassemble iMac (take off screen) then unplug SATA cables and put new ssd in.
Читать далееGo into bios and turn legacy support on then try.
Читать далееNope you should be fine if not better because of the new antenna technology!
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