A flashing question mark in a folder
When I turn on my Mac book on the screen it has a flashing question mark inside a folder and it won't let me do anything
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When I turn on my Mac book on the screen it has a flashing question mark inside a folder and it won't let me do anything
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Rach, the folder with the question mark means the computer cannot find the startup system. This could happens because files that are needed to boot the computer are damaged, or the drive's directory is damaged. This can also happen when your computer has a dead drive.Try rebooting your computer while holding the Command R key. This will attempt to restart the computer using the Recovery partition. If it works, you'll know that your drive isn't dead. Use Disk Utility to repair the main partition. If it then download and install the operating system. If you can't reboot with the Command R key try using Command Option R which is an Internet recovery. If the drive's partition table were damaged but the drive itself is okay, you'll be able to use the Disk Utility program to create a new parition, install the OS, and then restore from your Backup. You can find plenty of information about this on here and here as well
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I did everything where I ended up in the Disk Utility but my SSD is not reading at all. I just see the the recovery disk that only has 2GB but no sign of the Macintosh HD. Help please?!
Thanks for the help here. This helped me get my MacBook Air back on the road again. Handy little page! Again, thanks - TH
I have the same problem. I got the computer to start the internet back up process. It recognizes my keyboard and I'm able to move my selection to try to begin the air drive back up. However, The enter button will not start the process and the computer doesn't recognize a mouse (tried 2) and the cursor is in the upper left by the apple symbol. Any suggestions? Thanks
I just bought a new drive but I still have the same problem.flashing question on my screen
Hello, I am having the same problem @oldturkey03 but even when I try to reinstall the OS, it won't detect the drive. I also tried to create a bootable copy of the OS but it won't also read the usb. Do you have any solution for this?
I had this problem upwards of 7 or 8 times, and I fixed it by replacing the defective cable. The more times I did this, the shorter the fix held for. I have now found a workaround by using a hard drive caddy. They are available of amazon for less than £10. You remove the optical drive (for CD/DVDs) and put the caddy in its place. The hard drive is then connected to the computer via different route, bypassing the defective data cable. It does mean you no longer have an optical drive, but that's a small price to pay to have a functional computer!
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All these solutions are garbage. REPLACE THE HARD DRIVE CABLE. I love my 2012 mbp 2.5 non retina but I have gone through 7 cables. If you sneeze on the ##&&% it cracks.
I had the same problem. And after trying almost everything I finally find the solution, very simple by the way.
By turning off the computer and removing one of the memory ram card, turn on again and it will go straight like nothing, do your settings and turn off again and add again the removed ram.
Good luck
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Worked for me cheers
It works thank you.
Literally replace the hard drive cable. Take off the back the MacBook, remove the HDD, remove the cable from the logic board and any screw that are holding it down. Check serial number on it. Order one from amazon, prime it so you get it the day after and just put it back together the same way it came out.
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the hard drive is new when I try to install the o s via external disc drive it wont load .Im probably doing something wrong........... I need help!!
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in the case when checking the drive by using or booting from a recovery partition, or using the disk utility dont fix the problem, then it can be that the HDD is not properly connected, so check the data cables and make sure the HDD is properly installed. If you have done all this before and the problem continues, it could be that you have a dead drive, and you have to replace it!
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How can you get around the command+r key when I don’t have an apple keyboard?
Use the Windows key, next to the Alt key.
I bought an early 2011 13 inch macbook pro from a pawn shop about 6 months ago.
As soon as I turned it on and tried loading programs like Safari or iTunes, the computer would pinwheel.
After thinking for five or ten minutes the program would load. When searching the internet, the same thing would happen. Click a link and pinwheel, five or ten minutes, page would load.
Trouble shooting the issue online, a common theme was a dying hard drive.
I purchased a brand new 250 GB SSD.
I've partitioned it and formatted it to mac. When I connect it internally to the macbook, and power on the computer, grey file folder with question mark.
Trouble shooting that issue online, a common theme was replace the hard drive cable.
I replaced the hard drive cable.
You guessed it, grey file folder with question mark. I just want to get the computer up and running.
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Try booting off an OS CD !
Try setting up the OS with the drive inside the Mac. Don't partition it externally then add the drive
All these solutions are garbage. REPLACE THE HARD DRIVE CABLE. I love my 2012 mbp 2.5 non retina but I have gone through 7 cables. If you sneeze on the ##&&% it cracks.
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ArrDee..... I looked at the online video for this question mark issue and they all show the cable for a HDD. Toshiba I believe. I have SSD. What is the solution for that type of drive for the ???? folder problem?
hey john... how did u resolve the issue?
The solutions for the ? in the folder problem have a lot of software solutions which I tried. I reviewed several online videos and they all point to cable replacement for HDD. I have a 2012-2013 SDD in my Mac. What is the solution for that?
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If you have external hard drive casing then remove harddrive and put it in there. If MacBook switches on then you know fault is on hdd cable which will need replacing.
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You are my hero :)
Ok this was weird, but as a last ditch option it worked. We put the Mac air that had an ssd drive into the freezer for 20 minutes. It booted we backed up the critical files .. and we moved on. The only way I would advise people to try this is if they tried everything else but the e waste recycle. In this case it worked .. and I will be the first to admit it was a last desperate throw of the dice!
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It just means it's overheated. Shut it down then turn it back on when the computer cools down.
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I wasin deisk utility settings and i cant install os x lion it keeps saying that the item is unavailable.. And i dont have choices of disk everytime i try to click the start up where you have to choose diak but nothing came off .. The click just say restart .. After i restart my macbook just start flashing folder with question mark.. What to do?? MMy boboyfriend doesnt know what i did.. Im sure he ll get mad..
restart your mac. When turning on hold down command+r this should put it in internet recovery mode. When is finishes click install mac os x or whatever type of mac you have,its probably the second choice. This will delete everything in your mac,all of your data. It would be brand new and will make you start over but it is the only way to fix it.
Hey Kim! Thank you! Letting my Macbook cool worked for me!
It has not had time to overheat.
I'd tried to boot into recovery using CMD+R but it instead takes me to the internet recovery and I'm unable to access the disk utility. It had this problem last week but it got back to normal by itself, now it's just stuck there, what do I do please?
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9 Комментариев
my macbook air a1245 no os run folder blink problem
из monir
I hаd a ѕіmіlаr іѕѕuе, everytime I turnеd оn mу mас I had a flashing question mаrk іnѕіdе a fоldеr, couldn’t dо аnуthіng.
Fіnаllу I managed tо fіx thе problem. I got hеlр frоm Apple Mас ѕuрроrt
Follow thе steps hеrе: http://bit.ly/MacFlashingFolder
It should ѕоlvе the problem
из Sarah
Solved this by placing the MacBook Air into the refrigerator for about 30 minutes!
из Sal alosi
My problem was that my RAM was "overcharged" (sorry I don't know the exact terms). If you are like me and you never turn off your computer, the first thing you should try is not cmd+R but ALT+CMD+P+R to reset your RAM. Hold these keys when you turn on your computer until you hear the opening sound at least twice, then let the magic happen! If this don't work, then proceed to the other suggestions. It worked for me and a friend.
https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT204063 (How the ALT+CMD+P+R works)
Then, remember to properly turn off your computer at least once a week.
Wish you luck!
из Mélissa Héon
Solved in my case by trying PRAM reset - which didn't work - and then SMC reset- which did. 13" MacBook Pro (Late 2013). https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT204063 and https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201295
из AlexB
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