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Repair and troubleshooting for the HP Pavilion dv4 line of laptops.

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Data recovery black screen.

When i turn on my laptop it turns on but the screen stays black but the caps lock blinks on and off alot. I want to know how to get my data on the laptop.

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What is the full model number of the laptop as shown on the information label on the bottom?

Easiest way is to remove the HDD and insert it into a caddy and then connect it to a desktop PC as a secondary drive.

There are links online that show how to connect a HDD from a dead laptop.

Is there a sequence to the Caps lock blinks? Check if there is a pause between the blinks e.g. 4 blinks - pause - 4 blinks - pause etc. This may be an error code which tells you what is wrong

Update (09/26/2021)

@ matt tav

Here's the maintenance and service guide for the laptop. Go to p.55 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the HDD.

Here's a link that explains what to do when you have the HDD

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HP Pavilion dv4-2140us Entertainment Notebook PC


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