I am electrical engineering student.
in my free time I:
- like watching movie
- playing football
- visit new places
- here something I would like to share [video<https://youtu.be/y6pvayQft-A>|small=size
- Restart the computer. Sometimes that is all that it needs.
#*# Wipe off the display with a soft, clean cloth. Yes, sometimes it is just that.
#*#* Go to "Start" and in the search box type "Calibrate the screen for pen or touch input".
#*#*# Choose the top result. In this new screen click "Setup" and follow the instructions.
Инструкции с моим вкладом
Eyad Alshakhoori
Eastern Washington University, Team S1-G1, Rowley Summer 2018
Тег команды: EWU-ROWLEY-SU18S1G1