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Mini 1 model definitely works. Have used WM160 as the code in the python script without issue for Mini 2.
After getting the firmware, use Dronehacks V1.7 to flash the calibration firmware to the unit. PS, You MUST NOT fly with this firmware, you WILL experience issues.
After the flashing process, reboot drone and unplug. Via the go4 app or the fly app, calibrate gimbal as you normally would. The above errors should still be present before the calibration.
Once calibrated, at least 1 of the above errors should go away, if not both.
Thereafter, reflash the original firmware back. I have only ever used the same version that was on the drone before flashing the calibration firmware. After the normal firmware is flashed, no errors should appear and you can go ahead and re-calibrate the gimbal error free.
If needed, i can upload pics of process and possibly links if allowed.
Also, i still occasionally use Python, without any issues, so if you have an issue, will be happy to help.
PS. I have repaired 6 Air 2 S, 4 Air 2 and a few mini 2's with above process.
Use Dank Downloader to get the calibration firmware which allows you to get rid of above mentioned errors ( 40021 and 40011 )
My process is:
Use Drone Hacks v1.7 to do the "downgrade". Use Dank Downloader to download the actual firmware.
Launch Drone hacks, plug in the drone and wait for it to detect. Once detected, it will show the current firmware version as well as the ARB, which is the antirollback.
In DankDroneDownloader, find the closest version of the firmware thats on the drone, and that also has the ARB of same number or HIGHER.
Check the release notes of the firmware that you want. It should specifically state calibration firmware, not meant for consumer use etc.
You might have to pay for the calibration firmware via the Dankdronedownloader app, which will open a webpage to paypal. I have bought 3 firmwares so far without hassle. But i also had 2 other calibration firmwares already. All of which worked for the specific models of drone. I think its $1 for a calibration firmware file.
Just to add to the above for anybody possibly still struggling. Models supported:
WM610 = 2014-11-13 Inspire 1
MG1 = 2015-11-27 Agras MG-1
WM330 = 2016-03-02 Phantom 4
WM220 = 2016-09-28 Mavic Pro
WM620 = 2016-11-16 Inspire 2
WM331 = 2016-11-16 Phantom 4 Pro
WM332 = 2017-04-13 Phantom 4 Advanced
WM100 = 2017-05-24 Spark
WM230 = 2018-01-23 Mavic Air
WM335 = 2018-05-08 Phantom 4 Pro V2
WM245 = 2018-10-29 Mavic 2 Enterprise
WM246 = 25 # 2018-12-20 Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual
WM160 = 2019-10-30 Mavic Mini
WM240 = 2018-08-23 Mavic 2 Pro/Zoom
WM245 = 2018-10-29 Mavic 2 Enterprise
WM246 = 25 # 2018-12-20 Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual
WM160 = 2019-10-30 Mavic Mini
WM231 = 2020-04-28 Mavic Air 2
WM232 = 2021-04-15 (MAVIC) AIR 2S
WM260 = 2021-11-05 (MAVIC) 3
WM247 = 2020-12-15 Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced
Removed older models from the list ( P3, Matrice etc )
My process used to be python for air 2, air 2 S, mini etc. But this has now changed.
Use Dank Downloader to get the calibration firmware which allows you to get rid o
Hey. Hope you all doing well.
Could you perhaps share a pic of the cable with the specific chip that was removed possibly?