If you're looking for an all-encompassing page on how to get your iPhone to hold a charge again, you've come to the right place.
The first step in making your phone chargeable again is to identify the cause of the issue. Below is a collection of the most common causes for a phone that won't charge. Identify which component is the problem and work from there.
Before you get to troubleshooting, be sure to check if these related issues are relevant to your predicament:
Firmware Issue
If your iPhone stops charging for no apparent reason, i.e. you didn’t drop it, expose it to water, or sustain other damage to it since it last turned on, the most likely culprit is a firmware crash. You’ll need to perform a forced restart to get your phone out of a bad firmware loop, which you can do by following the steps corresponding to your iPhone/iOS combo:
For iPhone 8, X, 11, 12, 13, SE (2nd Gen), and SE (3rd Gen):
- Press and immediately release the volume up button.
- Press and immediately release the volume down button.
- Press and hold the power button.
- The apple logo should show up after around 10 seconds—once it does, release the power button.
For iPhone 7:
- Press and hold the volume down and side power button simultaneously.
- The apple logo should show up after around 10 seconds—once it does, release both buttons.
For iPhone 6, 6s, and SE (1st Gen):
- Press and hold the side power button and home button simultaneously.
- The apple logo should show up after around 10 seconds—once it does, release both buttons.
Bad Charging Cable
If your charging cable ends up being the cause of your iPhone not charging, you're in luck, because replacing the charging cable is the easiest fix on this page.
First, visually inspect the cable for any fraying, exposed wires, or damage to the connector itself. If there is nothing visually wrong with the cable, you'll need to run a quick test or two instead.
The fastest way to test whether your charging cable is the issue is to simply borrow a working cable from a friend or coworker and see if it makes a difference. You'll need to also test your adapter or outlet to see if they're the root of the issue as well.
Dirty Charging Port
Use a brand-new toothbrush, toothpick, or any non-conductive tools to clean out any lint or debris that might be trapped inside your charging port. Once the port is clean, plug in your iPhone and see if the issue is resolved.
Bad Charging Port
If simple cleaning doesn't do the trick, there's a chance that your charging port may be malfunctioning and needs to be replaced.
3 Комментариев
umm well i havent tried it because my iphone hasnt arrived yet so
The Slayer - Ответить
Wideno Guedyson mag
Wideno Guedyson Magloire - Ответить
Hadi o zaman yapalım
Onur Bayatlı - Ответить