I own a local repair shop, and I had a customer bring me their iPhone 5c (which had this same "ghosting" problem ), she said she took it too Apple and they said she needed to buy another phone because it had bad software. So as an alternative, she brought the "possessed" iPhone too me. I took a look at all the connections, did a hard reset, and a factory restore. I also even replaced the LCD & Digitizer. Nothing worked.
So I finally I started playing around with it, and came to the conclusion that it had to do with electrostatic. So I took the red covers that you peel off of the back of new screens and put it in between the iphone's thermal plate and battery. This seemed to work for a good period of time, however she brought it back to me the next day saying the "ghosting" was happening again. So I concluded to this...
- Put the red plastic that you peel off of new screens in between the thermal plate and LCD (just like it is before you peel them off)
- Also, put another red plastic in between the thermal plate and battery (tape this one down so that it will stay)
This was my solution and my customer has yet to have a problem, please let me know if this was helpful!
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13 Комментариев
i had replaced my cracked screen and got a new screen, and about a week later my phone started saying "Searching..." it was only every now and then and now it hardly ever goes back to Verizon LTE, i had gotten a new SIM card and updated my phone but it still says "Searching" and I have done everything in the settings too which meant resetting my network and I've tried to reset my phone while holding onto my home button and on/off button together and it still says searching, I've restarted it but that never worked, please anyone help me!
из Desiree Martinez
I got my charger point replaced of my iPhone n
Now when I checked my phone the date n time are incorrect
It never happened before
Has that person changed my battery or motherboard n m also not getting any network
Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
из Nitin Singh
I have iPhone 5s
из Nitin Singh
@Nitin Singh: He had to disconnect the battery to replace the charger point. Connect to wifi to set the date and time, or change it manually.
Then do this:Settings->
Reset network settings
Hope this will work for you, as it did for me. (I have an iPhone 5s too)
из lenaholthe
I had the same problem after installing my new ifixit iPhone 5 battery. I followed @lenaholthe network reset instructions and everything went right back to normal. Thanks for the help!
из Ben Stallman
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