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Вот некоторые основные инструменты, используемые для работы на данном устройстве. Вам, возможно, не понадобиться каждый инструмент для каждой процедуры.


Much like the manuals, the only way to pull up the factory specs is to look up the model number or serial number on Toshiba support or Google the system and hope you can find a page with the factory specs.

Toshiba does not have a single page with every option offered or an easy way to find historical spec changes, so finding factory specifications for one of these requires some luck and persistence if you want to find this information.

Toshiba does not carry a generic manual for any of their laptops. You must put the specific model of computer or serial number of the computer you own into the support page to find the system manual. At this point, you can find it under Drivers and Manuals.

I understand this is unnecessarily annoying, but this is the only way to get a digital copy if you bought the computer used and did not get any of the original paperwork or you have lost the printed manual the system came with.


Toshiba support

Note: For an explanation why I do not have a user manual linked, read the section that explains this in greater detail.


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