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iOpener Heating

iOpener Heating

Andrew Optimus Goldheart

Andrew Optimus Goldheart и 11 другие участники

Последнее обновление May 27, 2024

30 секунд

The iOpener is an insulated, heat-retaining bag that can be heated in a microwave and used to transfer heat to the adhesive along the edge of an iPad or similar device.

Follow these basic instructions to get started with your new (black, liquid-filled) iOpener. For the white, solid-filled iOpener, follow this guide instead.

For detailed instructions specific to your device and repair, see our set of iPad repair guides.

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  • iOpener
  1. iOpener Heating, iOpener Heating: шаг 1, изображение 1 из 2 iOpener Heating, iOpener Heating: шаг 1, изображение 2 из 2
    • We recommend that you clean your microwave before proceeding, as any nasty gunk on the bottom may end up stuck to the iOpener.

    • Place the iOpener in the center of the microwave.

    • For carousel microwaves: Make sure the plate spins freely. If your iOpener gets stuck, it may overheat and burn.

    I didn't find this to be as hard as I had built it up in my mind to be; HOWEVER, saying that I need to say years ago I was the local Nokia service center in my town. But many years ago right after they got rid of analog times. Yeah. A classic installer/repairer mistake when starting something they haven't fixed or installed before is picking up the instructions, flipping through them; maybe even reading a section that is new-then tossing the instructions over the shoulder. "I got this." This usually comes right before something major gets broke. And I can tell you when you try to do it yourself and then mess it up horribly then take it to the repair shop. Well we called that "I can do it myself" syndrome and charged extra to put back together what they brought in in the box. Now knowing all this - I can't stress this enough because I am stupid, stupid, stupid. COVER YOUR SCREEN IN CLEAR BOXING TAPE AND READ ALL THE INSTRUCTION BELOW THROUGH TO THE END BEFORE EVEN ATTEMPTING THIS FIX. Take my advise.

    windizy - Ответить

    I didn't have an iOpener, so I used a wheat type heat bag. If you do this though, make sure you put a layer of plastic between your Mac and the bag, or you'll get condensation in places you don't want it.

    Martin Gray - Ответить

    I started out using the iOpener but switched to my wife's hairdryer. A heat gun or hair dryer proved to be much more convenient and is a time saviour. You can heat more and the glue becomes more fluid make the next steps with the opening picks much easier

    Jan Van Puymbroeck - Ответить

    I know this is obvious, but backup your iPad with iTunes before you start. I'd also turn off your passcode if you have one.

    Laurie Higgins - Ответить

    Ther first time you heat up the iOpener for this repair when its room temperature I had to heat it up for more than 30 seconds. I remember I had to heat it up for around 45 seconds. However, after that when you need to reheat it again during the repair 30 seconds will be enough.

    Yousef Ghalib - Ответить

    I used the wheat bag in a sensor microwave heating up to 65-70 deg C (155 def F).

    ian cheong - Ответить

    Get yourself a cherry pit bean bag the size of your iPad. Heat it, put the iPad on it for 3 to 5 minutes or so, reheat the cherry pit bean bag, again put your iPad on it. Then heat the iOpener and start working. The cherry pit bean bag will have to be reheated several times, but it will soften the adhesive so you have less problems with the iOpener

    Tim Feyaerts - Ответить

    The heating can be done very effectively (and quickly) with 3d printer heated bed. Make sure the bed is clean. Set the temperature to 60c, (130f ) and put the ipad face down for +/- 10 minutes. Repeat as needed throughout the “gentle prying” stages.

    polleyphony - Ответить

    The iOpener did not work at all for me.

    I had to use a heat gun and bring the edges of the case up to ~200 degrees (used an infrared thermometer to measure) before the glue would weaken. This obviously superheated the metal frame, so I also had to wear gloves to handle the phone while prying the back off with the included picks.

    Mike Jeanette - Ответить

    Repair instructions worked like a charm. Had to be patient with the iOpener and getting the screen off. I tried repeatedly without success until shifting the suction cup a bit to the left side where perhaps the glue had loosened up a bit more.

    Kyle - Ответить

    The iOpener, in my opinion, is of no help. Many warnings to say “don’t warm it too much”, but the glue doesn’t melt if not warm enough. As a result, a complete waste of time and energy. In addition, too much liquid in it, so it doesn’t lay on the device on a sufficient surface. I took a hairdryer and it worked much much better.

    laurentvidu - Ответить

    I used an immersion bath to heat this to 180F and applied it to the device until the outside temperature of the opener read 150F with an IR thermometer. Removing the screen took very little force with this method.

    breadandbits - Ответить

    My experience. I was replacing the screen which had been cracked and a little shattered in some places. The iopener is pretty much useless, so was the suction cup. The suction cup would probably be more useful if I was doing something besides the screen. Also you probably want the clean the screen before using it so it can get good suction. I used a hair dryer on high for a couple of minutes at a time (someone on this tread suggested that). I used my exacto knife and a razor blade to get into the adhesive. First the exacto to get the initial cut, then the razor blade to go a little deeper. Could have probably just used the razor blade, but the exacto has a little more finesse. I got the razor blade in and a little under the glass then I used the picks to wedge in. I didn’t want to risk anything using the razor blade too much. Used tape to keep the shattered glass together.

    trebor65 - Ответить

    My experience pt2

    Fortunately the shattering was mostly on the edges and most of it had adhesive on the back so it stuck together. Just take your time and work your way around following the guide to get the screen off. Have some goof off or goo be gone to clean the frame when putting the new glass on or putting the existing one back. (someone suggested that also, very good idea). Be careful of the LCD (you should know that). The cable on my LCD was pretty tight, so I propped it up while taking the cable cover off and when I put it back on I did the same thing. I just put a bottle on the battery and leaned the back of the LCD on that while attaching the cables and putting the screws back on the cover. Also be careful with the home button and the bracket on the back of it. I had enough old adhesive on left on the bracket that it stuck back to the new glass fine. So far only 12 hours in, so we will see how that holds up when the kids get at it.

    trebor65 - Ответить

    Another alternative if you do not have the iopener is to use a bed time hotwater bottle. Do not over fill it though. Just put enough hot water in to support the phone while you work around the adhesive.

    I use both the hot water bottle and iopener together on Samsung's. It makes life easier

    gazza667 - Ответить

    I followed the directions and heated my iOpener for 30 seconds in a 1000 watt microwave, and it came out at 160 degrees F, as verified by a infrared thermometer. This allowed me to separate the last bit of the back of my Samsung S8, which was already coming off due to a swollen battery (hence the reason for the repair).

    Dennis - Ответить

    Hallo,habe den Akku erfolgreich getauscht.Doch seitdem gibt es bei Telefonaten eine Rückkopplung für den anrufenden.Bei mir ist alles normal.Woran liegt das?Mfg

    Manu R - Ответить

    If you follow these instructions, you will crack your screen like I did. Heating the iOpener for 30 seconds, using it to melt glue, then waiting 10 minutes to reheat is useless. The iOpener can be used to maybe warm the glue on whatever side you aren’t working on. You need a hairdryer and/or a heat gun to melt the glue and separate the glass from the iPad.

    Anyone want to buy an old iPad with broken glass and a dead battery?

    mpulliam - Ответить

    Not everybody has a microwave. You should provide a target temperature for the iOpener and instructions for a conventional oven, or pot of warm water, or whatever. Although I will probably use a heat gun …

    Esmond Pitt - Ответить

    Three times heating opener and no luck. Tried pressing down gently on opener with a towel, and the opener broke. Wondering if I now replace table mats, fancy table cloth, etc. or will this stuff wash out.

    Not impressed so far. Maybe the hair dryer next.

    doug - Ответить

    I support the comments about the iOpener. Everyone has a hair drier, FHS, so get a cheap IR thermometer (£18) and blow heat until the area is 60+ deg C. Still takes w while, and getting the screen off is v scary, but just add more heat if you feel resistance.

    The rest of the kit is good, esp the magnetic screwdrivers.

    Richard O'Brien - Ответить

    No, everyone does not have a hairdryer. Some of us don’t even have hair. Thank goodness I already had an IR thermometer, though.

    nin10doh -


    Hatte einen winzigen, minimalen Sprung im Display. Ich dachte es könnte gehen, weil der Sprung “abgeschlossen” war. Er hat in einer Ecke ein winzige Glasteil rausgeschnitten. NEIN! Geht nicht. Habe alles mit viel Geduld dem iOpener und einem Föhn erhitzt. Es ist trotzdem sofort über das komplette Display zersprungen…

    T z - Ответить

    I’ve started with iOpener but changed very quickly to a heatgun. That was more efficient.

    Mizzoo, s.r.o. - Ответить

    I could not get the iOpener hot enough to melt the glue on my ipad 6. I heated for 45 seconds once and it was boiling and it still never worked. Thank goodness contributors mentioned using a hair dryer. Using an 1700w hair dryer on high did the trick to get the screen off. Still took some time and the case got pretty hot but be patient. It took twice as long and a lot more patience to get the battery out.

    Randal Haufler - Ответить

    I have an Ipad with touch screen issue, if i replace this part it should be Ok?

    janderson martin - Ответить


    The metal microwave rack can heat up and melt through the iOpener cover letting the contents leak out.

    Not a big issue for me as I have a heat gun and used that instead.

    Run Up A Tree - Ответить

    I opened my iPad with the iOpener. Be patient! It may take quite a bit longer to it the iOpener in the microwave than it says in the guide. My microwave can only do 800W and I had to put the iOpener in several times (maybe a total of 90-120 seconds). I recommend that you have the transparent side up an watch the bag carefully. As long a the bag doesn't bloat up and the liquid doesn't start bubbling you should be fine. But I recommend to take the iO out from time to time to check it. (More comments in Step 6.)

    marcelflueeler - Ответить

    I gave upon the I opener and used a hairdryer. (Fixed an iPad 6)

    Tom Weber - Ответить

    iPad mini gen5. I used the iOpener. My microwave is 1200w with carousel. 30 sec got the iOpener to 155ºF. For the 2nd heating, after 10 minutes sitting, the temp was still around 125º so I only cooked it for 15 sec. Not enough increase so +5 sec more which me to 165-170ºF. This should be considered ballpark info because who knows the real output of the various microwaves and the quality of the IR tool used to determine temp.

    To successfully open my iPad mini I applied the iOpener twice to the left edge and twice to bottom. & once to R edge. Using the suction cup was difficult for me (I'm in my 70's so my hands don't work too well anymore). I had trouble holding the guitar pick and slipping them in (at an downward angle). In the end, sliding my thumbnail along the edge opened it very slightly and allowed the pick to get into the gap. I marked the ends of all my picks with a sharpie pen for the recommended 2mm insertion to avoid going in too deep. To get the screen open it took me approx 1 hour.

    jharrison - Ответить

    Can’t you just use a hair curler instead?

    Aspect22 - Ответить

    A hairdryer or heat gun works, if heating is kept around 100 deg C (212 deg F - boiling point of water). But… heating this way is cumbersome. Using a hotplate, set to 100 deg C, measured carefully with a fairly inexpensive IR gun, is simpler and easier, if you can afford the hotplate (I used an old pancake griddle with a thermostat knob). It works great for phones, setting them face down for 2 minutes, then picking them up with insulated gloves - cheap, wool gloves work fine. This may require repeated reheating to continue the display removal, but its much simpler.

    Because its almost impossible to repeatedly lay an iPad/tablet on the hot plate, I propose an alternative.

    Initially lay the larger iPad/tablet, face down, for 2 min, to heat all of the adhesive surrounding the display. Lift and begin the picking process describe in your removal steps. Then lay an iOpener on the hotplate for 2 min (already set to the exact, desired temp) to bring it to working temp for the remaining operations.

    Dan Smith - Ответить

    For iPads in particular, it makes sense to construct a simple, aluminum window frame, laid on a hotplate (see my comment above) that only touches the edges of the display, heating only the adhesive underneath. This prevents general heating of the entire device. Four strips of aluminum, placed together as a frame, would be the simplest and allow variations for all devices - envision it as a pinwheel of strips, radiating outward. Use it for any size device.

    Dan Smith - Ответить

    BTW, always read all comments at each step. New, and possibly useful, suggestions appear on occasion that can be crucial.

    Dan Smith - Ответить

    My iOpener got damaged at the first heating (30 s @ 800 W). The bag got a little melted hole where the liquid came out and a little melted area. I used a combination oven (normal heat and microwave) in microwave only mode. It has a metal grill where the iOpener was placed on. I suppose the metal grill concentrates the microwaves at some points and there the bag melted?

    K. Fe - Ответить

  2. iOpener Heating: шаг 2, изображение 1 из 1
    • Heat the iOpener for thirty seconds.

    • Depending on the wattage of your microwave, more or less time may be required. The iOpener is sufficiently heated when it's barely too hot to touch.

    • Throughout the repair procedure, as the iOpener cools, reheat it in the microwave for an additional thirty seconds at a time.

    • Be careful not to overheat the iOpener during the repair. Overheating may cause the iOpener to burst. Do not attempt to heat over 100˚C (212˚F).

    • Never touch the iOpener if it appears swollen.

    • If the iOpener is still too hot in the middle to touch, continue using it while waiting for it to cool down some more before reheating. A properly heated iOpener should stay warm for up to 10 minutes.

    I had to heat mine up for more than 30 seconds. After 30 seconds on high it was only warm. It had to keep trying different times and checking it until it got hot. I think the initial time that I put it in for was over a minute.

    whale13 - Ответить

    DO NOT USE IN NON ROTATING MICROWAVE! It will pop a hole. I had it in for 45 seconds the first time. It wasn't very hot inside and I saw it started to leak on the paper towel I put under it. Just a fair bit of advice. I think I will just stick with the heat gun. Loud but useful.

    Alex Jackson - Ответить

    I heated mine up for 30 seconds, tested, then again for 30 seconds. It felt adequately hot. Leaving it on the left side, per the instruction, for a minute did not loosen the adhesive. I ended up pulling the suction cup hard enough to shadder the old screen. Moral of the story, I don't think it gets hot enough safely to have an affect.

    Travis Dixon - Ответить

    There is a clear problem here with the heating part using the iopener things....no details are given. Whoever is testing them needs to make it clear - What temperature does it need to be? And for which phone models, because they differ in what's needed. It's only £10-15 for a laser guided temp sensor unit, and the designers/repairers should have one of those already for doing these kinds of repairs. Explaining half a repair, is worse than not explaining at all :-(

    assortedrubbish - Ответить

    All phones/devices differ it’s unrealistic and unsafe to put a exact time/temperature needed to soften the adhesive. It’s really quite simple you warm the device evenly and in a controlled manner just enough to enable pry tools and picks to begin separating. Best tool in my opinion but again this is because I have experience is a hot plate and heat gun both of which are used at nearly the lowest settings and I can handle flat palming the plate for almost 10 seconds I leave the device to conduct heat until approx it’s about 110 at most 120 ish this will be plenty to soften all the adhesive if any problem areas I use heat gun while prying. Again you need go slowly and learn with a throw away phone

    Greg Latta -

    I used a hot water bottle, works well as it covers the whole screen and stays hot for longer.

    dave - Ответить

    Now that is a very good idea :) I was going to use a hairdryer

    Maz -

    If I may suggest include your microwave wattage so people can get an idea on time for there own

    Patrick Storey - Ответить

    I agree with this.

    Jarl Friis -

    I ended up using a hair dryer. That iOpener thing took forever.

    mark fitzgerald - Ответить

    30 seconds sure isn’t cutting it… 45 didn’t get the screen of my iPad air 2 to budge either… even after resting on the ipad for 4 minutes.

    60 seconds in the microwave, the iOpener burst.

    I’ll get a new one and try once more with heating it 45 seconds and repeat that for 30 minutes like others have said here. If that doesn’t work it’ll have to be the heat gun.


    Karl Marble - Ответить

    I can’t recommend the microwave. If the the iOpener becomes too hot, it bursts. Better put the opener in cooking water. Dry it and use it. Instead of an iOpener you can use hot/cool packs as well.

    Bernhard Keim - Ответить

    Great idea with using the heat packs. I will try that next time. Thank you

    Collins -

    Trust the directions! I forgot and left it in the Microwave too long and after 1 minute I had Mt Vesuvius - the iOpener burst and spewed the goodies out. The problem is, the Digitizer can be damaged by a hot air gun, so I had to tough out and remove the glue the hard way. I made it … with lots of patience! Tough lesson.

    Larry Bennett - Ответить

    I also used a hairdryer. I used it on the low setting and I cut a piece of carboard to protect the rest of the screen. The iFixit tool and method is vert tedious and very time consuming in comparison. With the hairdryer method you can literally have the display apart in a few minutes. Using your other hand nearby the area you are heating it should be very hot but not enough to burn your hand. You only have to heat metal part of case near glass edge. If you have a cellular model then you need to be very careful because the black antenna area is plastic. So less heat and work your way up in adding heat just enough to separate around the area but not so much you melt the plastic!

    Fixrights - Ответить

    iOpener was the worst part of the kit. Followed directions for :30 in microwave and took 4 trips to the microwave to loosen adhesive on left side of home button. I thought I was figuring it out and it was working well… even set a timer to wait 10 minutes between heating it up. Was on the right side and was on my 12th heat up when it exploded in the microwave. My only tip is that if you set it clear side up, as soon as you see any bubbles or boiling in the liquid, STOP! If you put a pot holder over the iOpener and press slightly to make good surface contact, that seemed to help. I finished heating with a “Corn Sack” that held heat better than the provided iOpener.

    digital_only - Ответить

    Mon iopener n'a pas tenu une réparation. Je ne vous conseille pas ce produit

    Berard Romain - Ответить


    Nous sommes désolés que votre réparation ne se soit pas déroulée comme prévu. Il se peut que le produit était défectueux. Veuillez contacter notre service client support@ifixit.com (boutique américaine) ou eustore@ifixit.com (boutique européenne) en décrivant ce qui s’est passé.

    Claire Miesch -

    Readers looking for temperature advice might check the comments of the previous instruction, as there are more there. I used an immersion bath to heat this to 180F and applied it to the device until the outside temperature of the opener read 150F with an IR thermometer. Removing the screen took very little force with this method.

    breadandbits - Ответить

    Thank you for posting some actual temperatures. I have a heat gun with a very fine self-temperature regulation setting capability.

    I will set it for 150-180 F, and use that to soften the adhesive.

    G Trieste -

    I followed the directions and heated my iOpener for 30 seconds in a 1000 watt microwave, and it came out at 160 degrees F, as verified by a infrared thermometer. A second heating about 15 minutes later in the micro and it came out at 190 degrees F. Plenty hot enough to soften the adhesive for removing the back on my S8. Based on the comments above I think people just need to use more patience.

    Dennis - Ответить

    I used various time settings. It got very hot. It would soften the glue but not a whole lot. If my screen had been intact and I was replacing something that was not a digitizer, it may have worked. A broken screen makes the process significantly more difficult. I ended up breaking the home button cable. Good bye TouchID…

    cvela90 - Ответить

    After reading previous comments I didn't even use the i-opener. Used the heatgun ( hairdryer ) which works great for me. Maybe I was lucky as this is my first attempt at replacing a cellphone battery. Motoz 3

    Collins - Ответить

    It appeared 30 seconds were not enough, so I heated it more, by 5 seconds at a time until I got the right temperature about 70 degrees Celsius (measured with infrared pistol) to get the screen heated up to 60 C, the best for softening the glue. But the heat was quickly dissipating by the big aluminum back cover, so the best I got in 2 minutes of applying iOpener was around 45 C, which made the procedure difficult and having risk of breaking the screen. So I eventually abandoned iOpener and user a hot air gun with precise temperature setup. I set it to 90 C, which allowed me to open my iPad quickly and safely.

    Sergey Kofanov - Ответить

    I, too, ended up using a hot air gun. I’ve done earlier versions of iPad before but the adhesive used on this IPad 5 A1822 was particularly difficult to remove.

    Also, while the suction cup worked great when the glass is in tact, any cracks in the glass make the suction cup useless.

    manningrl - Ответить

    You need to remember here are different sizes of microwaves. I had the same issue.

    Heating on a smaller unit I used 45-60 seconds. That worked but was time comsuming

    William Draheim - Ответить

    Yeah, the iOpener didn't work for me either.... ended up using a hair dryer and that worked. The iOpener was too warm to soften the glue in my case.

    Andrés Vettori - Ответить

    I had a rotating plate microwave for my repair, and heating the iOpener 30-40 seconds worked plenty well for me.

    Ciarán - Ответить

  3. iOpener Heating: шаг 3, изображение 1 из 1
    • Remove the iOpener from the microwave, holding it by one of the two flat ends to avoid the hot center.

    • The iOpener will be very hot, so be careful when handling it. Use an oven mitt if necessary.

    I did this repair. I used a hair dryer, I think it works better: gets very hot fast.

    Cobus de Beer - Ответить

    I did too, you get far more control and no expense on fancy equipment.

    Billinski -

    Readers looking for temperature advice might check the comments of the previous instruction, as there are more there. I used an immersion bath to heat this to 180F and applied it to the device until the outside temperature of the opener read 150F with an IR thermometer. Removing the screen took very little force with this method. I don’t know how much microwaves vary in heating consistency with these pads, but knowing how inconsistent the temperature of a bowl of plain rice gets in my microwave, I wasn’t interested in even trying to use it for this.

    breadandbits - Ответить

    I used an electric griddle set to the lowest setting. It seemed to work very well.

    John - Ответить

    I vote for the hair dryer. The other methods work too but if you aren’t having any luck, switch to the hair dryer. While holding the iPad in my hand, I found that I am aiming the dryer at my finger at the same time and it gauges how hot it is. I stop when my finger can’t take it - maybe five seconds up close. Repeat as needed like I did.

    Robin - Ответить

    This thing melts when placed up side down in the microwave…

    Mark - Ответить

    If the maximum temperature for this iOpener is lower than the gadget glue minimum temperature, this device does not make sense.
    I think the maximum temperature for this iOpener is below 100⁰C and most gadget glue minimum temperature is higher than 100⁰C. So the iOpener is useless for many opening steps in repair guides. But who knows because temperature range is not specified for this iOpener.

    Jarl Friis - Ответить

  4. iOpener Heating, Alternate iOpener heating method: шаг 4, изображение 1 из 2 iOpener Heating, Alternate iOpener heating method: шаг 4, изображение 2 из 2
    • If you don't have a microwave, follow this step to heat your iOpener in boiling water.

    • Fill a pot or pan with enough water to fully submerge an iOpener.

    • Heat the water to a boil. Turn off the heat.

    • Place an iOpener into the hot water for 2-3 minutes. Make sure the iOpener is fully submerged in the water.

    • Use tongs to extract the heated iOpener from the hot water.

    • Thoroughly dry the iOpener with a towel.

    • The iOpener will be very hot, so be careful to hold it only by the end tabs.

    • Your iOpener is ready for use! If you need to reheat the iOpener, heat the water to a boil, turn off the heat, and place the iOpener in the water for 2-3 minutes.

    What do I do if I don’t have a iopener?

    alexdelarge103@gmail.com - Ответить

    2 or 3 cups Rice in a sock, heat for about 2 minutes. But, I recommend the iopener.

    Robert Garcia - Ответить

    When boiling in water you can put the iopener in a ziplock to keep it dry.

    Robert Garcia - Ответить

    Even if you don't put in a ziplock bag, I found that the surface is mostly hydrophobic so drying it is very easy. I also didn't have tongs, but the bag is denser than water, so it sank and I attached clothes pins to the ends and was able to remove it with those.

    Jack Adrian Zappa - Ответить

    2-3 minutes in near boiling water, then 2-3 minutes on my s10+ and it was super easy to cut the glue off.

    Kipras Bielinskas - Ответить

    I have a question, if I have a pan, and I have water, and a mean to boil the water, won't it be easier and cheaper to just use that.

    Ollie Tan - Ответить

    Have you tried it? Water limits your temperature to 100℃, whereas 'pan on the stove' can easily get up to twice that. If your pan is even slightly warped, you'll have a few hot spots of direct conduction with convection everywhere else, heating things unevenly. Assuming you get the device up to temperature, how will you get it out without scratching it or burning yourself? After you're finished, do you really want to prepare food in the pan you warmed up adhesives and trace manufacturing substances in?


    Boiling something form fitting to heat your device with is a lot more foolproof, and not being foolish is easier and cheaper. Direct pan heating can work, but you are leaving yourself open to a lot more problems than just taking the safe route.

    James Beegle -

    add a little basil and oregano on the pan peanuts cashews walnuts and bam it pops right off

    david pride - Ответить

    It's more 3 minutes than 2 minutes in hot water, in 2 minutes it's not getting hot enough I think. I used the combo iOpener + hair dryer for about 2 minutes and I could then insert a first opening pick easily. The first opening pick is the trickiest step, then if you go slowly and with patience around the screen with other opening picks, it works well.

    vincent becker - Ответить


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

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Andrew Optimus Goldheart

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I do not have a microwave because I think it is unhealthy for food preparation. When I need fastfood I often just eat raw fruit which is much faster, healtier, and tastier than most microwave foods.

Does the iOpener Heating also work when it is baked in a frying pan?

R de Bruin - Ответить

Hello! Thanks for the good question. Actually we dissuade from using a frying pan to heat the iOpener because the coating would melt. Instead, use a saucepan filled with cold water and heat it on the stove. But be very careful not to overheat the iOpener and not to hurt yourself handling with the hot iOpener! You can do as well without iOpener and alternatively use a hairdryer to heat directly the device you want to open. Good fix!

Claire Miesch -

You are aware thought that there are no proven side effects of microwaving your food though right? A microwave isn’t inherently unhealthy. I think it helps to look at how a microwave works. A microwave oven heats food by passing microwave radiation through it. While microwave radiation sounds scary its really not. Microwaves are a form of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation. Non ionizing meaning that it doesn’t make stuff radioactive. Water, fat, and other substances in the food absorb energy from the microwaves in a process called dielectric heating. The water molecules are electric dipoles, meaning that they have a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other, and so they rotate as they try to align themselves with the alternating electric field of the microwaves. The friction of the incredibly fast movement heats up the various molecules. Sometimes microwaves are in fact healthier and safer than there counterparts, because the microwave heats food quickly, the nutrients have less time to seep into the water making it more nutrient filled when compared to alternatives. Also, steamed vegetables tend to maintain more nutrients when microwaved than when cooked on a stovetop.

[All sources can be found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_... at the bottom of the wikipedia page]

nithin -

Its actually halarious that hes like “sure thing! Fry that thing up, lol…gotta put some water down, …but yeah…lmao…too funny

dannyhall16 -

And much more expensive.

Jiří Sítko -

I’m not sure about health drawbacks, but it takes away all the taste and texture from the food. I’ve heard that it takes away healthy vitamins from the food; it’s just hearsay, but I’m inclined to believe it.

Hyper John -

Microwaves don't affect food in anyway. If you acctually look at the science all microwaves do is excite (vibrate) the water molecules in food or anything you put in the microwave. This kinetic energy releases thermal energy ergo heating your food. There are no health drawbacks from microwaves, its a myth

Evan Thomas-Broughton -

holy yap. nobody cares about your food choices and diet. you could've just asked what to do with no microwave.

bruh -

Answered my question on alt-method as I also do not own a microwave for same reasons as Rde Bruin cited. I would use either heat gun or hairdryer to heat the iOpener.

Edward Gallagher - Ответить

Pistola de calor, secador de cabelo e placa quente são alternativas pra não usar o iOpener não é isso? Será que compensa financeiramente falando ter por exemplo da pistola de calor e mais o iOpener? Para que serve o soprador?

Robson Marcelino -

To Robson Marcelino:

(Tradução automática, desculpe-se por qualquer erro.) Você pode usar uma pistola de calor diretamente no telefone, se tiver muito cuidado, mas há algum risco de derreter ou danificar os componentes plásticos. O iOpener foi criado como uma maneira de fornecer calor uniforme sem pontos de acesso, portanto, há menos risco de danos.


You can use a heat gun directly on the phone, if you're very careful, but there's some risk of melting or damaging plastic components. The iOpener was created as a way to deliver even heat without hotspots, so there's less risk of damage.

FeRD -

(Heh. In fact, “pontos de accesso” => “pontos quente”. I was not referring to wireless access points!)

FeRD -

No, anything that applies “direct” heat from a heating element like a regular baking oven or a toaster oven to the plastic outer shell will melt and damage the plastic. Use a Microwave or a water bath to heat the iOpener.

Michael Arm -

How hot am I heating the iOpener to? Water boiing? or a bit less?

Roman Makuch - Ответить

What surface temperature should be expected with 30 seconds in a 1000 watt oven?

notstupidgguy - Ответить

It’s designed to be used with a microwave. If you don’t have a microwave, just skip the iOpener and use a hair dryer to heat your device directly.

Jeff Suovanen - Ответить

Hello, I have the same question as already some other users posted above. How high is the temperature of the iOpener supposed to be? 70°C? more, less? just to get a better understanding what temperature is needed to “melt” the adhesive. Thank you :)

Pia Diet - Ответить

Hi, I baked this at 400 for 12 minutes and now my house burned down. Do you have a repair guide for a 3 bedroom house?

Alex Rumball - Ответить

Yes! There is a repair guide for

a burnt down 3 bedroom house in the new iPhone 12-128GB that you’ll have to pay in full for those erections. Lol

jon.myles.becker -

Oh man, after reading the whole conversation before this comment about microwave food safety and health concerns, this comment made me bust out laughing. Freaking hilarious.

"How to repair a 3 bedroom house when cooking an iOpener goes wrong"

BillyBobJones -

Hi. If I make a hotwater bottle and sit the device on there for a while to heat up will that work the same as the iOpener? Would it be the right temperature? I usually make the hot water bottle with slightly-cooler-than-boiling water. Thanks

Lucy Gordon - Ответить

Hi there,

Thanks for this guide! Can you tell me what temperature am I aiming for please? I don’t want to overheat my phone so it would be good if I could check the iOpener temp with a thermometer.


tim belina - Ответить

Using a heat gun or hair dryer used carefully a little at a time to soften the adhesive works well along with the suction cup tool. Apply masking tape to the screen to prevent scratching the screen or if it were to crack to contain any glass shards.

michael kotarba - Ответить

Honest question: Can you use a suction cup over masking tape?!? (I imagine if you use wide tape that’s larger than the suction cup, so there are no seams underneath, then maybe. Trying to get a suction cup to stick over multiple separated or overlapping pieces of masking tape seems like it would be a problem, though.)

FeRD -

Heat it in a water bath like some food is controllably heated -never be burned / never be hotter than boiling water. The water serves a heat buffer, equalizer and transfer / bridge with easy temperature control.

Take a large pan and fill it with partially with water. Place second pot / (cooking) vessel with a lid / ‘tupperware’ container with a lid with steam valve with the iOpen in it in the pan with the water. Heat the water to the temperature you like and keep it there until iOpen has heated up as well. Using the lid accelerates the heating. Do not let the water come to boil or bubble.

The temperature is easy to measure with what ever temperature gauge you have in the kitchen..

all objects - Ответить

es wäre mehr als hilfreich wenn die Wattzahl angegeben wird auf die man die Mikrowelle einstellen soll.

Ohne diese Angabe bringt mir diese Anleitung überhaupt nichts, schade.

Holger Franke - Ответить


I can’t believe iOpener’s been on the market for years now & iFixit has yet to include a microwave-less heating method in their iOpener “How-To”.

If heating the iOpener with hot water does work (w/o damaging the iOpener), this info should assuage new-buyer’s doubts as to whether or not they can buy one even if they don’t own a microwave. I myself had to buy the one I just just received yesterday before knowing if this method will work. We’ll see, but my 4 email inquiries to iFixit didn’t yield any definitive answers from them, but still, having an iPhone to repair & not wanting to risk overheating it with a hairdryer, here we are.

ericlmercer - Ответить

So I just received my iOpener yesterday & I got a neighbor to microwave it for 30 seconds in a high-powered microwave (don’t know the wattage) and then I measured the iOpener’s temperature with a laser thermometer, getting a reading of 70°C.

So my plan’s to heat a pot of water to 70°C & submerge the iOpener in it for maybe 5 minutes until it attains the same temperature, then dry it off thoroughly with a bath towel. Now seeing for myself how well the iOpener is constructed, I don’t see any reason warm 70°C water will damage it. We’ll see… I’ll post my results (after I change my iPhone 7 Plus battery), so customers without microwaves can decide if they want to try this heating method for themselves. iFixit may even sell a few more iOpeners to customers who wish not pioneer non-microwave heating alternatives.

Q: How do you spot a pioneer? (They’re the ones with the arrows in their back…). Peace…

ericlmercer - Ответить

you are a hero sir. godbles

Bobert Fisher -

Results of using HOT WATER vs MICROWAVE to heat an iOpener: Part 1

Results of my using hot water to heat the iOpener were 100% successful. 30 seconds in a high-powered microwave heats the iOpener to about 70℃ (158°F). Hot water will achieve the same results at 70℃. I wouldn’t place the iOpener in boiling water & I didn’t try. I used a laser thermometer to control the temperature. The more water in the pot, the more stable the temperature will be. A wide pan will allow the iOpener to lay flat in the water, which seems best I wouldn’t place the iOpener into the water while the heating element of the stove is heating the water as I’m sure the pan will be much hotter near the element, so let the element cool down to 70℃ before immersing the iOpener into the water. The whole concern here is to not damage the iOpener.

… (see part 2)

ericlmercer - Ответить

Results of using HOT WATER vs MICROWAVE to heat an iOpener, Part 2:

Leave the iOpener in the 70℃ water for 5~10 minutes & keep a lid over the pot it to retain heat while you’re preparing your reparation. When ready, remove the iOpener from the 70℃ water & it will be at the same temperature as if microwaved 30 seconds. Dry the iOpener thoroughly with a bath towel & you’re ready to go.

The iOpener retains a useful working temperature for 5-10 minutes. Keep the water ready at 70℃ in case you need to reheat the iOpener.

Worked perfectly for me and w/o any apparent damage to the iOpener, which was my main concern. Now I know this method works. Peace! -e

ericlmercer - Ответить

Hey, isn’t an iOpener basically just like one of those hot cold pads that you use for sprains and stuff? If so why not recommend those to people if they can’t really get their hands on an iOpener, as it would probably serve the exact same purpose, is safer than a hair dryer, and almost everyone has one of those laying around. Just an idea.

Linus Guglielmo - Ответить

what wattage in microwave should I use

Domantas Moisejevas - Ответить

As the red warning Text says: “For carousel microwaves: Make sure the plate spins freely. If your iOpener gets stuck, it may overheat and burn”

Couldn't agree more. A small hole melted in the end and goo went everywhere. It was only in for 20 seconds (950w microwave). I used a hairdryer instead which worked fine removing pixel back

Dharman Gersch - Ответить

Im Internet habe ich mir schon sehr viele Anleitungen angesehen und für mich brauchbare angewendet und sie getestet.

Diese Anleitung ist mit großem Abstand die Beste.

Als Absolvent der Ingenieurhochschule vor mehr als 50 Jahre, habe als Konstrukteur musste ich auch Bedienanweisungen für Großteil-Bearbeitungs-Werkzeugmaschinen verfassen.

Insofern bin ich durchaus dazu in der Lage, eine Anleitung zu beurteilen.

Hans-Ulrich Stolze - Ответить

What is the ideal temperature for the iopener?

Geff - Ответить

Can you use hairdryer machine, the handle one to heat the iOpener

Solomon Agyemang - Ответить

Can you use hairdryer machine, the handle one in place of microwave?

Solomon Agyemang - Ответить

Hello, I too don't have a microwave (for fear of radiation poisoning, as others have pointed out). Can I airfry the iOpener to 70 degrees?

Kenlee - Ответить

The mobile phone, tablet or computer that you want to open with the iOpener actually emits radiation. A microwave oven does not. So don't repair whatever you need the iOpener for and never again use a similar device. You're welcome.

Kai und der Andere -

Hello, I don't like to clean my microwave (for fear of accidentally wanting to drink the cleaning solution). Instead could I put the iopener in a plastic bag before heating? Also, could we call it something else? I dislike using anything with an "i" in front. For mental health reasons obviously.

Rip Steakface - Ответить

What range of temperature is needed to soften adhesive?
I'm considering using a heating pad on low.

Glynn Garrett - Ответить

No microwave or hair dryer or hot water? Then move to Texas, grab a lawn chair and sit outside for about 10 minutes holding your phone, and it will melt the adhesive.

Noisy_Rhubarb - Ответить

Hey there so i unfortunately don't own a microwave, hairdryer, oven, house , or even a iOpener for that matter. Obviously because I'm nervous about radiation and having the mental capacity to to figure out how to heat something up. Could you tell me the exact chemical and molecular makeup of your iOpener so that I may possibly clone my own? Thanks

ps. What temperature should I heat the clone- opener at?

M Keppy - Ответить

I don't use water or heat because I believe it contributes to climate change. Is there anyway to open my phone using telepathy?

Albert I Stein Jr - Ответить

-Doesn't use water or heat due to climate concerns

-Owns a smartphone

I've got some bad news for you

BillyBobJones -

So I have this metal rack in my microwave (one that is suited for microwaves, obviously) and I put everything on there, so it's more in the center of the microwave. However the metal gets hot and the iOpener apparently can't handle that direct heat.

So I think there should be a big warning to only put the iOpener on the (glass) bottom!

In addition to that I just want to mention that the iFixit support is excellent! I immediately got my iOpener replaced.

thorle - Ответить

Heat guns are cheap. Heat it enough to retain heat for a bit, if it melts, you've used to much heat. Put in boiling water for a few minutes, take it out, not with your hand. If it melts, you left in in too long. Get a Infrared Thermometer, their really cheap, keep the iopener under 100c or 212° and your all set.

Jack Hackett - Ответить

I heated the iOpener in the microwave for the recommended time. It did not work at all to budge the back glass. I heated it a second time as recommended and it burst, scalding my arm. As I was throwing it away I saw that it said on it to wait 10 minutes before reheating (I probably waited about 5 minutes as it seemed cool)..these instructions do not sufficiently give warning of what "overheating is"

liburt - Ответить

Microwave ovens are “healthier” for food preparation in most cases. They also do not make your food “radioactive” or harmful, if that’s your worry. An article from Harvard Medical School states that cooking in a microwave “keeps in more vitamins and minerals than almost any other cooking method and shows microwave food can indeed be healthy.” Besides no harmful Unfortunately people will continue to hold many beliefs not based on science, because they trust their “instincts” more than verifiable facts…

Cam F - Ответить

i didn't never know this things.

Sayaid Hossain - Ответить

if you don't have any heat source wrap the phone in a face cloth put that in a coffee can and using a step stool place the coffee can behind the tailpipe of any 4 cylinder car engine warm idle at 2000 rpm for 5 to 7 minutes or add a couple popcorn kernels when they pop on the closest side the glue will be soft tender but not juicy. at 7000 rpm it will be done in only 45 seconds or so. this actually works best not kidding...rotate the phone at half time sneak in a quick beer optional

by the time you have a smoke or see smoke its done..

david pride - Ответить

So this 20 dollar device is basically a microwave safe plastic or silicone filled with water? 🤔

Man Child - Ответить

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