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For more information regarding common malfunctions for this device, head over to our troubleshooting page.

Background and Identification

The Toshiba Satellite C55Dt-A5306 is a Windows 8.1 laptop. It comes with AMD Quad-Core A6-5200M Accelerated Processor. The color of the laptop is satin black. The laptop is noted to be durable, featuring a 15.6" widescreen with 1366x768 resolution. For memory, this laptop has 4GB DDR3 1333 mHz.

The Toshiba Satellite C55Dt-A5306 did face a recall of its battery pack. If your battery pack seems to be affected, you may be eligible for a free replacement. Otherwise, it is an affordable and dependable personal laptop.

Naturally, as it was initially released in 2014, the Toshiba Satellite C55Dt-A5306 has been outpaced by later models. Nevertheless, due to its reliability, this model is worth the fix.

Additional information

Toshiba Satellite Support Page

Toshiba Satellite C55Dt Video Take Apart

Toshiba Satellite Spare Parts

Patrick Kroenung

Участник с: 01/12/17

122 Репутация

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Oakland University, Team 2-3, Ruskiewicz Winter 2017 Участник Oakland University, Team 2-3, Ruskiewicz Winter 2017


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